This “Great Reset” thing is fascinating. It’s one of the things I’ve heard from the Right that I can state with confidence is not a conspiracy. But you’re only getting one side of it. The Great Reset is coming one way or another, either we do it ourselves in a managed way, or Mother Nature will do that for us in a way we can’t control.
Serious and sustained efforts at mitigating climate change, if taken today, will allow us to live in a sustainable albeit somewhat hotter world. Taking basically no action now means a scorching hot earth for our grandchildren, and their generation looking at impossibly difficult choices as they ponder the choices they’ll make in the world they will leave to *their* grandchildren.
I can say all this without breaking character because conserving the environment is conservative. Conserving our planet is conservative. Thinking about — really thinking about — your grandchildren’s future and *their* grandchildren’s future is conservative.
Don’t believe me, ask Teddy Roosevelt