ok, make mr incredible becoming uncanny 4th extension (with canny phases and end with phase 18 uncanny with phase 1.5 canny and mr incredible uncanny sad and phase 2.5 uncanny and phase 9.5 uncanny and with the eyes)
Story Mode (Part 3); You kick the person that caught you; The eyes closed; You think it is nothing; The eyes opened; The eyes turned red; You run for your life; You arrive home; You hear knocking on the door; You hide under your bed; The person bashed the door open; You hear footsteps getting closer and closer; The person is in your room; The person finds you; The person grabs you; You faint; You wake up in a strange basement; The person smiles with sharp teeth and blood; He says "Any last words?"; You see your mom and your mom smacks the person; You realize your mom is weak; The person stabs your mom; You escape; The person catches you again