Everyone... It's time that we part ways. I'm gonna miss a good chunk of you. Nar, you're the worst owner this stream has ever had, nothing can change my mind. Aside from that, I am not quitting imgflip. I still have access to it, but if I do post, it's not gonna be much. So, good news for you guys, you don't have to deal with my SIng 2 crap for a while. Doesn't mean I'm not gonna keep talking about it though. There is a small chance that 'm going to be back within a week and stay for the summer, but for now, I just want to say thank you to the people who've supported me along the way, such as Spike, Milk, Drizzy, TheHugePig, Cinna, Phoenix, Hanz, JustBreathingAir, Elyfia, energeticbombhands, firsthalfnotgonnalie, ColumbianNecktie, and other users I'm not gonna bother talking about because I'm running out of space. Thank you all for putting up with my utter bullshit on this site. Take care, keep memeing, and remember this: I'll always find a way back. MSMG; HERE LIES FOXY-198727