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if u feel happy on the monday, call 911

if u feel happy on the monday, call 911 | When its monday but you actually feel happy | image tagged in something s wrong,cats,funny,memes,all lives matter,monday | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
16,756 views 483 upvotes Made by Lyra0_0 3 years ago in fun
Something’s wrong memeCaption this Meme
3 ups, 3y
Weird teddy bear | SOMETHING IS W R O N G | image tagged in weird teddy bear | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
2 ups, 3y
Like that's ever gonna happen. | image tagged in like that's ever gonna happen | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
1 up, 3y
1 up, 3y
1 up, 3y
Return to monke | HAPPINESS MONDAY SADNESS | image tagged in return to monke | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
1 up, 3y,
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wait. if somethings wrong and you can feel it, than you don't feel happy anymore. but then you don't have anything to be feeling so your happy. but then you sense something wrong so you stop being happy. but then you don't have anything to be feeling about so your happy. but then you sense something wrong so you stop being happy. but then you sense something wrong so you stop being happy. but then you don't have anything to be feeling about so your happy. but then you sense something wrong so you stop being happy. but then you don't have anything to be feeling about so your happy. but then you sense something wrong so you stop being happy. but then you don't have anything to be feeling about so your happy. but then you sense something wrong so you stop being happy. but then you don't have anything to be feeling about so your happy. but then you sense something wrong so you stop being happy. but then you don't have anything to be feeling about so your happy. but then you sense something wrong so you stop being happy. but then you don't have anything to be feeling about so your happy. but then you sense something wrong so you stop being happy. but then you don't have anything to be feeling about so your happy. but then you sense something wrong so you stop being happy. but then you don't have anything to be feeling about so your happy. but then you sense something wrong so you stop being happy. but then you don't have anything to be feeling about so your happy. but then you sense something wrong so you stop being happy. but then you don't have anything to be feeling about so your happy. but then you sense something wrong so you stop being happy. but then you don't have anything to be feeling about so your happy.

0 ups, 3y
Yeah yeah true
1 up, 3y
For me it's because it's my weekend.
1 up, 3y
1 up, 3y
somehow i read monday as mandatory
1 up, 3y
thats means i shoulve called 911 7 times
1 up, 3y
But what if there is no school that day, or it is summer?
0 ups, 3y,
2 replies
I saw my sister on Imgflip, I saw her see this meme. Be right back, I see police at my door. Oh crap they are shooting up the place. OH CRAP A RUSSIAN NUCLEAR BOMB IS COMING TO MY HOU IFJDEWASDJFOIEWjoferwksdlfk23wsiafj32ewdbhf4jkewfjfq3kjwewlfjqerwitjk43jklwfjerjkqfjklqer
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Are you okay?
0 ups, 3y
the Russians sent me to spy on capitalists because the Russians were from a communist party
0 ups, 3y
You still there bro?
0 ups, 3y
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway. Because bees don’t care what humans think is impossible.” SEQ. 75 - “INTRO TO BARRY” INT. BENSON HOUSE - DAY ANGLE ON: Sneakers on the ground. Camera PANS UP to reveal BARRY BENSON’S BEDROOM ANGLE ON: Barry’s hand flipping through different sweaters in his closet. BARRY Yellow black, yellow black, yellow black, yellow black, yellow black, yellow black...oohh, black and yellow... ANGLE ON: Barry wearing the sweater he picked, looking in the mirror. BARRY (CONT’D) Yeah, let’s shake it up a little. He picks the black and yellow one. He then goes to the sink, takes the top off a CONTAINER OF HONEY, and puts some honey into his hair. He squirts some in his mouth and gargles. Then he takes the lid off the bottle, and rolls some on like deodorant. CUT TO: INT. BENSON HOUSE KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS Barry’s mother, JANET BENSON, yells up at Barry. JANET BENSON Barry, breakfast is ready! CUT TO: "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 1. INT. BARRY’S ROOM - CONTINUOUS BARRY Coming! SFX: Phone RINGING. Barry’s antennae vibrate as they RING like a phone. Barry’s hands are wet. He looks around for a towel. BARRY (CONT’D) Hang on a second! He wipes his hands on his sweater, and pulls his antennae down to his ear and mouth. BARRY (CONT'D) Hello? His best friend, ADAM FLAYMAN, is on the other end. ADAM Barry? BARRY Adam? ADAM Can you believe this is happening? BARRY Can’t believe it. I’ll pick you up. Barry sticks his stinger in a sharpener. SFX: BUZZING AS HIS STINGER IS SHARPENED. He tests the sharpness with his finger. SFX: Bing. BARRY (CONT’D) Looking sharp. ANGLE ON: Barry hovering down the hall, sliding down the staircase bannister. Barry’s mother, JANET BENSON, is in the kitchen. JANET BENSON Barry, why don’t you use the stairs? Your father paid good money for those. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 2. BARRY Sorry, I’m excited. Barry’s father, MARTIN BENSON, ENTERS. He’s reading a NEWSPAPER with the HEADLINE, “Queen gives birth to thousandtuplets: Resting Comfortably.” MARTIN BENSON Here’s the graduate. We’re very proud of you, Son. And a perfect report card, all B’s. JANET BENSON (mushing Barry’s hair) Very proud. BARRY Ma! I’ve got a thing going here. Barry re-adjusts his hair, starts to leave. JANET BENSON You’ve got some lint on your fuzz. She picks it off. BARRY Ow, that’s me! M
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Just like if you leave school on a Friday but you feel sad.
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0 ups, 3y
What’s wrong is you know at any second your day will become hell on earth.
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
turns out that monday has all my favourt subgects and any other day is not as good
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
call 911
0 ups, 3y,
2 replies
no need
0 ups, 3y
0 ups, 3y,
2 replies
no need for 911, need the u.s. military. I don't think the u.s. military can execute him so he doesnt spread the virus though. call the U.S. Chinese Russian British French Pakistani Indian Brazilian Japanese and South Korean Army. They are not all allies, but they are 10th strongest countries.
0 ups, 3y
Tuesday is the worst here's why
1 you have more energy from the previous night on Monday(even though its annoying to get up)
2 the energy from Monday is carried over to tuesday
0 ups, 3y
You need help...
0 ups, 6mo
gumball reference: the joy episode
0 ups, 1y
Mondays are the one weekday where I don't have to wake up at 6:30.
Something’s wrong memeCaption this Meme
Created with the Imgflip Meme Generator
When its monday but you actually feel happy