Many pro-life conservatives will tell you that “life begins at conception” and that terminating a fetus at any stage of pregnancy is wrong. Rather than argue, let’s just accept that paradigm for a moment. Even under this framework, most pro-lifers would tell you that they support abortion in at least one circumstance: when necessary to save the life of the mother. Indeed, to be consistently “pro-life,” you would have to favor such an exception. So far, so good. The problem is that laws banning abortion are being written right now that would do away with even the sensible “life of the mother” exception. It sounds crazy, of course, but crazy and nonsensical things are entered into law all the time. Ireland offers a cautionary tale. Mrs. Halappanavar’s tragic and preventable death galvanized opposition to Ireland’s constitutional provision banning abortion. It was thereafter overturned by referendum and abortion was legalized. Similar opposition will mount even in red states, once the human toll of extreme abortion bans becomes clear. So please, even if you consider yourself “pro-life,” be prudent. Respect all life, born and unborn.