W.Chi: aww, look who's being a protective boi
W.Fred: *nuzzles* mine..
W.Bun: *giggles* stop-
W.Fred: nu
W.Fox: hey, I protecc you too..
W.Chi: I know :3 *pat pat*
W.Fox: ^^
W.Bun: *pounces on Fredboi* I'm finally beautiful on the outside!! :D
W.Fred: you..always have been
W.Bun: really? Didn't think so
W.Fred: . . have you not heard me say you look pretty every day-
The gang reacting to being unwithered for a day:; W.Fred: :^ I didn't change much, did I-; W.Chi: *pure confusion*; W.Bun: :o .. *happy screaming*; W.Fox: this is..familiar-