W.B.B's Bingo! (let's see what you relate to!); Plays with their fingers instead of paying attention; Won't talk when asked something; Has to be doing something constantly-; Screeches for no reason; Does stupid things they think are funny; Needs to do work but too uninterested; Can't stop obsessing over cute things; "Too boring, won't do it."; ✨Single pringle✨; Loves to draw things; Needs a plushie to sleep; Talks to themselves; OCD; "So many opinions!"; Sensitive; Doesn't care about brushing their hair; Likes to listen to music; Scared of talking to people they don't know at all; Phobia of heights-; Anger issues-; Hoodies are best; Likes to look back at most childhood things; Sometimes misspells things on purpose; "I come to school, and then I wanna leave."