Thank you Doctor. I think you're GIF sums-up most US citizens feelings about this perfectly. The thought of their hard-earned tax dollars being used to support bums is sickening. Many of these deadbeats sell their EBT (foodstamp) benefits to drug dealers at half-value. But the ones who do use them at stores are often seen buying prime steaks, shrimp, & other high-end products that many working families can't afford- disgraceful. But hey, easy come- easy go right? And as if we don't already have enough good ol' fashioned American losers on the dole, we now have MILLIONS of new ILLEGAL ALIENS now entering the country! They will also be jumping on the gravy-train. Then people wonder why there's no work-ethic anymore. What could go wrong?? Alot, obviously. One need not be a genius to know this whole situation is completely unsustainable (to use one of the Left's favorite terms.) The whole house of cards will soon be crashing down like a ton of bricks- won't be pretty. "Everything free in America!" - it was fun while it lasted.