Freetown Christiania, which is an autonomously-run
intentional community located in the heart of
Copenhagen, the capital-city of Denmark, is probably
one of the most effectively independent micro-nations
in the entire world. This rather large environmentally-
friendly hippie commune, based within an old
abandoned and rather well-fortified military-base
complex built inside of Copenhagen, was first
established in 1971, and is now made up of a number
of brightly-decorated houses, restaurants, art galleries,
and music venues, among much else. The society has
its own unique laws and customs (including having the
cannabis trade legalized for the most part, having no
cars within the area, photography being frowned upon,
and no weapons / ammunition / armor along with hard
drugs, walking, or biker-colors tolerated), largely
independent of the Danish government (they also don't
pay taxes). It has a population of about 900 citizens.