exactly how I feel, 90% of the time.
Me and you, we try to make others happy despite knowing we can't actually help ourselves, you created BT!Ink to keep me happy when I'm low, so I think I need to create someone for you, to keep you happy. Me and Bun can relate to those things very much, so we're free to talk to if we're online[I'm always online, but if I'm not, I'm either asleep, playing a game or went out]. I have been bullied in year 3, because of who I was, and I took it personally, but now, I just don't think of it anymore. I don't care what anyone says about me anymore because I don't want anything to affect me to spiral me down further in the path I'm going. Let's be honest. I'm the most f**ked up here besides X, and I have no shame in saying that.
Sure, we have 0 control, but if you keep the negative things in, you'll... end up like me.. ..and I don't want that... I don't want you to become as worse as me or X emotionally and psychologicaly, because that kinda hurts me to, I don't want anyone of you guys to get worse in any of those areas. And it's ok if you don't want to be seen, like even to this day, I'm curious, but I know your boundaries, so I'm not going to ask, because I don't want to make you uncomfortable. Your voice, on the other hand, I like it.
Privacy, matters. Perfection DOESN'T. it doesn't matter if your perfect or not, because hey, not everyone is perfect. No-one needs to be perfect to have one-another, and that's exactly why the Squad is here, Bun and Elys have already given you a few things to help yourself boost your esteem, and now I'm posting this long explanation as to say "Hey, slow down, some people care about you, and this is a place that you won't be judged, EVER." I created the Squad, for a reason. it's not a "weirdo squad", it's actually supposed to be a little Chaos Squad for the main people who post here in the Chaos Realm, and so if we need anything, we have other members of the Chaos Squad to talk to, not only because we're the main ones posting, but to get to know one another more, and share issues we may be having in our lives.
To make this entire thing short, Block out the negative, and let the Squad help you, let the good times in, I don't want to see you hurt anymore than you have.