Well, being respectful is .-. what you're supposed to do. Especially as a young person to an adult, thats the norm, so of course people would think you're normal for that.
THAT I S A SKILL TO HAVE. Not snapping ._. you're lucky in a way. And you're n0t "normal". You have a completely different outlook on the world, and that's o k a y , because it's good to be aware instead of some society-sculpted hunk of flesh shaped to simply be set off into the filthy world as another useless walking puzzle piece.
It's not narcissism unless you feel superior. If you a r e looking down on all these people, thinking "I'm so much better than these idiots," t h a t ' s narcissism. Sometimes I think I am a narcissist- because that is literally my mindset. Of course, not with everyone, but when I see these ugly creatures walk and talk in the .-. ways humans do, theres this second of self worth I feel knowing that I am n0t like these blind losers and I , genuinely , do think I am better. But just. hating people the way they are just for hating people the way they are, is n o t narcissism.
Listen. You are smart and absolutely correct, because people a r e disgusting and deserved to be looked down on. But. If all you see is annoying clumps of cells, you will spend your life simply hating. And hatred is not a good feeling for anyone. Even me.. Ye know how you say you think that people are really interesting to watch and tingz? I feel the same way, so, I try to make a really wide variety of friends. Meaning... black people, brown people, yellow people (stfu), n0t white people, racists, uh, queer people, homophobes, people who are super religious and traditional and people who are athiests and hate the concept of God,,, all these p e o p l e . And it's so damn cool. Because , uhhhh ye know how we say "the government is not the same as the people"? It's the same as that. "The human race sterotype we create in our souls cannot count for everyones indivisual personality and background". And knowing this it's a little easier to accept the stupidity the human race shows me in general. It's tiring to h a t e all the time.