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WARHAMMER 40,000: Summarized In A Nutshell (By SimoTheFinlandized - 2022 CE)

WARHAMMER 40,000: Summarized In A Nutshell (By SimoTheFinlandized - 2022 CE) | ====================================================
WARHAMMER 40,000: Summarized In A Nutshell
(By SimoTheFinlandized - In The Year 2022 CE)
"Warhammer 40,000" is primarily set in the 41st Millenium CE,
a science-fiction-&-fantasy future version of the real galaxy.
Interstellar space-faring fusion-age humanity has spread
greatly throughout the Milky Way Galaxy and encountered
many alien races, most of which are extremely hostile.
While humanity once dominated the galaxy in terms of
political / military / economic / cultural / technological
power, events such as an enormous A.I. rebellion, awry
genetic mutations, psychically-charged "magic" uprisings,
and a major galactic civil war have reduced them to a
slowly-dying space-empire (The Imperium Of Man) that
is barely clinging to power. As artificial-intelligence in general
tends to become too smart to peacefully coexist with its
creators, it is generally banned by most factions, who instead
rely primarily on manual labor. In addition to all this madness,
there is also an alternate psychically-charged reality called the
Warp that mirrors the material galaxy and allows for psychic
powers (many of which are similar to magic in most fantasy
settings), psychically-composed beings (such as Daemons
and the extremely powerful and ruinous Chaos-Gods) and is the
backbone of pretty much all large-scale interstellar travel,
communication, and commerce. The Warp is fundamentally an
unstable dimension fed by the emotions of various sentient races
in the galaxy, and as it fluctuates in strength, it can greatly help or
hinder various factions. The galaxy in general is in a constant
grim-dark state of warfare and military-and-political turbulence of
many sordid flavors, and peace-and-prosperity as we know it (as
well as the powers of science, technology, and higher progress and
 understanding in those fields for the most part) is exceedingly, more
often than not, a forgotten factor, at least in a lasting fashion. In the
far future of the Milky Way Galaxy, there is seemingly only war and
carnage, that and the heinous laughter of thirsting chaotic gods.
The Imperium Of Man:
The Imperium of Man is the civilization that today's humanity is now.
The Imperium Of Man is nominally ruled by the God-Emperor
Of Mankind, an immortal god-like human psyker with by far the
most powerful psychically-potent abilities, of whom the modern
Imperium-Of-Man now worships as nothing less than God for his
immense contributions to galactic Human civilization. Unfortunately,
he was very badly wounded during the Horus Heresy (the largest
Imperial civil-war), and is now no longer temporally able to lead
humanity. The Imperium is a very spread-out interstellar space-faring
fusion-age civilisation:
1) Astra Militarum (Imperial Guard): The large armies of normal
humans. They use basic but reliable equipment, such as the iconic
Lasgun (a laser rifle) and Leman Russ battle tank. Regiments of
Imperial Guard are raised from planets all over the Imperium, so
have a wide variety of appearances and tactics. The Imperial
Guard is reliant on the Imperial Navy to transport it between
planets. Players can also use these models to represent more
minor human military factions, such as Planetary Defense
Forces (PDF), traitor human armies or Imperial Navy troops.
2) Adeptus Astartes (Space Marines): Space Marines are
genetically-modified humans, that are larger, faster, smarter
and stronger than normal humans. They have extra organs
that allow them to heal quickly, breathe underwater, spit acid,
resist poison, etc. They wear advanced powered-armor that
both enhances their strength (allowing them to carry heavy
weapons) while also providing protection similar to a light-
armoured vehicle. Space Marines are organised into 1,000
"Chapters" of 1,000 marines each, to prevent them forming
a threat to the Imperium's political structure. Space Marines
can live for a very long time (some are centuries or even
millennia old), and become very skilled warriors due to
their experience. Unlike the Astra Militarum, Space Marines
are allowed to keep their own space fleets.
3) Adeptus Sororitas (Sisters Of Battle): The Sisters Of Battle
are an all-female order of warriors under direct control of the
Ecclesiarchy (the Imperial Church). The head of the
Ecclesiarchy rebelled against the Imperium millenia ago,
and was banned from using "Men under arms"; the Sisters Of
Battle exist on a legal technicality, as they are not men. They
are very pious and carry out many religious wars in the
God-Emperor's name.
4) Adeptus Mechanicus: The Mechanicum is a whole
civilisation dedicated to rediscovering old human science
and technology (which they believe is holy), and exists
alongside the Imperium. The Imperium has made a deal with
them to provide all the materials and knowledge it can, while
the Mechanicum in turn provides the machinery and war materiel
the Imperium needs to remain in power. Adeptus Mechanicus
members are often highly modified with bionic augmentations
such as mechanical limbs, electronic eyes and brain computers.
The Mechanicum also keeps control of the Titans, giant mechs
that are humanity's most powerful ground-based war machines.
5) Imperial Knights: Mechs that are smaller and simpler than
Titans but still very powerful. They are owned and used by the
Knight Houses, families that control feudal human worlds.
6) The Inquisition: A large organisation of secret police,
dedicated to fighting specific threats to humanity rather
than large wars. The Inquisition has three main orders:
Ordo Malleus to investigate Daemon activity, Ordo Xenos
to investigate aliens and Ordo Hereticus to look for traitors,
heretics and mutants. The Inquisition cannot be played as
its own army in the game, but small units to represent its
agents may be added to many other human factions.
Chaos Gods:
The forces of Chaos are those influenced by the power of the
Warp. The Warp is a corrupting influence on most species,
leading them to unpredictable behaviour. Chaos feeds off the
emotions of the various races in the galaxy, and the strongest
emotions combine to form powerful Warp beings called the Chaos
Gods. The strongest four are: Khorne (anger, violence, hatred),
Tzeentch (scheming, plots, change), Nurgle (entropy, disease,
physical corruption) and Slaanesh (lust, greed, excess, pain,
pleasure). The Chaos sub-factions may align with one, several
or all of the Chaos Gods (known as "Chaos Undivided").
1) Chaos Space Marines: These are Space Marines that have
turned away from the Imperium for whatever reason. Many
start with simple piracy, but slowly turn to the Chaos Gods
for resources to support their operations. The first Chaos
Space Marines occurred at the end of the Horus Heresy,
a large civil war that place ten thousand years ago. Chaos
Space Marines are generally in charge of the other Chaos
forces, unlike in the Imperium.
2) Daemons: Daemons are warp beings of varying power, too
weak to be considered Chaos Gods. The normally need to be
summoned by a psyker to enter the material galaxy, but in areas
where the Warp is very active they can sometimes cross over by
themselves. Daemons have various powers depending on which
Chaos God they align with.
3) The Lost and the Damned (traitor humans): There are many
large groups of Chaos-aligned humans, though many are there
through enslavement rather than choice. They are generally less
well-organised than their Imperial equivalents, though with help of
the Dark Mechanicum they are often just as powerful. They can be
represented in the game using the rules for the Imperial Guard.
4) Dark Mechanicum: The traitor counterpart to the Adeptus
Mechanicus. Due to their lack of resources and equipment, they
often incorporate Daemons in place of other components, leading
to powerful but often-uncontrollable machines.
The Aeldari (Eldar):
The Eldar are an ancient, powerfully psychic, technologically-
advanced race, resembling the elves of many fantasy settings.
They were once the most powerful faction in the galaxy, but their
self-indulgence and debauchery led to their downfall via the
creation of the Chaos God Slaanesh. The Eldar has splintered
into many sub-factions, some of which share alliances and
utilise the same types of equipment. The Eldar were responsible
for the construction of the Webway, a way of traveling around the
galaxy without risking exposure to the Warp (though it is now
in disrepair). Some factions can make use of "Spirit Stones"
that collect an Eldar's soul when they die to prevent it being
captured by Slaanesh; these can then be used to operate
machinery such as spaceships or combat mechs.
1) Asuryani (Craftworld Eldar): An entirely space-borne faction
of the Eldar, the Asuryani live aboard their gigantic spaceship-cities
called "Craftworlds". The various Craftworlds are independent of
each other, with no overall leader directing them. Asuryani dedicate
themselves to various "Paths" (like having careers or learning skills in
humanity) such as becoming an artisan, mariner (space sailor), leader or
warrior. Some Eldar stay on one path their whole life, while others change
between them as desired.
2) Exodites: The Exodites are Aeldari that have rejected advancement
and technology, having abandoned the Craftworlds prior to the Eldar's fall to
Slaanesh. The Exodites live on planets rather than spacecraft, and make use
of "World Shrines" to capture their souls in an artificial afterlife instead of
spirit stones.
3) Harlequins: Harlequins are Eldar aligned with the god "Cegorach" (the
"Laughing God"), and mix their combat skills with theatrical, acrobatic
performances. They began as a group to warn of the impending fall of the
Eldar, and now continue their role as historians of the Eldar race. The
Harlequins live in the remains of the Webway, and when they emerge for
combat they are known for fast, fluid, dance-like motions.
4) Ynnari: The Ynnari are a new group of Eldar with members from all
factions (even from the Drukhari). They worship the young Eldar god Ynnead,
who the think may be the last hope of saving the Eldar race from extinction.
They live aboard fleets of spaceships, and focus most of their efforts against
the forces of Chaos.
5) Drukhari (Dark Eldar): The Drukhari are the remains of the self-indulgent
Eldar that led to the fall and the creation of Slaanesh. They are longer-lived
than other Eldar, though this requires them to consume souls to extend their
lives. The Dark Eldar suffer from "The Thirst", which is the need to capture
other beings, torture them and consume their souls. Unlike other Eldar,
psychic powers are rare. The Drukhari live in the twisted city of Commorragh,
hidden within the Webway. They conduct regular raids into real space to
capture slaves for their souls.
The Orks are an artificially-engineered race with a crude but brutal nature,
and provide much of the comedy relief for the setting. They may well be the
most numerous race in the galaxy, but their highly fractured clan structure
means they often fight amongst themselves rather than work together. Orks
are the main sub-species of "Orkoids", which vary from the tiny child-like
Snotlings up to the massive dinosaur-like Squiggoths. Orks require
competition and violence to live as it makes them stronger, and Orks that do
not fight will weaken and die. Orkoids are actually a fungus and spread via
dropping spores instead of sexual reproduction, making them difficult to
wipe out as their battlefields soon become spawning grounds for new Orks.
Orks have a lot of knowledge encoded into their DNA such as medicinal care
(Dokz) and engineering (Mekz), of which the most skilled are called Oddboyz.
Rarely an Ork warboss will become powerful enough to declare a "Waaaagh!",
which unites many clans into a crusade for fighting and looting. A
"Waaaagh!" will often burn out by itself, as the Orks eventually turn to
The Necrons are an ancient race of mechanical warriors resembling
skeletons, who used to be organic beings called the Necrontyr. The Necrontyr
were tricked by the godlike beings called the C'tan, who gave them powerful
weapons and promised them eternal life. Once the Necrontyr conquered the
galaxy, they realised "eternal life" meant being turned into machines without
souls and individuality. Now called Necrons, only the strongest kept their
personalities and emotions. The Necrons turned on the C'tan and shattered
them, capturing them in Shards to use as weapons. The fight against the
C'tan had weakened the Necrons, so they chose to enter stasis on their Tomb
Worlds, to sleep until the galaxy was one again full of life for them to harvest.
The Necrons have slowly started to awaken in the 41st millennium, ready to
strike out into the galaxy once more. Necrons are made of a substance
called "Living Metal" that is very resistant to damage, but also allows them to
repair themselves when destroyed. When too many Necrons of an army are
defeated the rest "Phase Out" by teleporting back to their tombs, to rebuild
their strength to fight another day.
The Tyranids are an insect-like race that come from outside the Milky Way
galaxy. They are formed into large Hive Fleets, collections of gigantic organic
spaceships that can birth smaller creatures to fight on planets. The Tyranids
are united and controlled by the Hive Mind, a psychic, intelligent
consciousness that directs their actions. The Tyranids have been seen as
instinctive by other factions in the galaxy, but they are slowly realising the
Hive Mind is smarter than a mere insect. So far three main Hive Fleets have
entered the galaxy (Behemoth, Kraken and Leviathan), but there are many
smaller fleets formed from splinters of these main fleets. The Tyranids do
not use any technology, relying instead on symbiotic organisms; for example,
a Tyranid "gun" is actually a separate organism that can spit acid, give birth to
flesh-eating beetles or project hardened spikes of bone. One challenge in
fighting the Tyranids is the "Shadow in the Warp", and effect of the Hive Mind
that dampens psychic powers, interstellar travel and communications. The
Hive Mind is driven by eternal hunger, meaning the Tyranids only goal is to
consume all organic material in the galaxy before moving on. When Tyranids
attack a planet they consume all life, drink the oceans and suck up the
atmosphere, leaving only airless rocks behind. The Hive Mind is capable of
rapid evolution and is able to absorb the DNA of enemies they consume,
meaning they are a constantly changing threat.
1) Genestealers are an important Tyranid lifeform, who travel far ahead of
the Hive Fleets to prepare worlds for invasion. Genestealers land on a planet
and infect it's inhabitants, slowly building a "Genestealer Cult" that
destabilizes any resistance to the approaching Hive Fleet. Infected members
of the cult believe the approaching Tyranids are their salvation, but they are
instead attacked and consumed like any other lifeform.
The T'au Empire
The T'au are a small and very young race, only a few thousand years old.
They are very technologically gifted, with lots of scientists and engineers.
The T'au are formed into four major Castes: Fire (warriors), Earth (scientists,
engineers, farmers), Water (traders, bureaucrats, diplomats) and Air (pilots,
spaceship pilots). A fifth leader caste, the Ethereals, control the rest of the
T'au via some unknown method (possibly pheromones). The T'au believe in
the "Greater Good", a philosophy where they all work together to build a more
successful, easier future. The T'au do not have any psychic abilities and have
very little psychic presence within the Warp, making them largely immune to
Chaos. Instead of these abilities, the T'au use their powerful technology to
compete with the larger factions. One feature of the T'au is their willingness
to work with or subsume other races instead of fighting them, leading to a
big variety of units they can deploy. The T'au prefer to fight at long-range, and
rely on other races to fight in close combat.
Allied/Subsumed Races:
1) Kroot: A humanoid race that may have originally been bird-like. The 
Kroot are able to direct their own evolution, leading to many sub-species 
such as the dog-like Kroot Hound or the ox-like Krootox. The Kroot are 
known to work as mercenaries for other factions, not just the T'au. 
They are used in close combat due to their fast movements and 
excellent hand-to-hand skills.
2) Demiurg: A race of short, squat, space-based miners and traders.
3) Vespid: An winged, insect-like race that did not initially want to ally with the T'au. 
The Ethereals provided them with "communication headsets" that mysteriously made 
them compliant and co-operative. They operate in war as scouts and rapid-reaction 
4) Nicassar: A highly psychic race in hiding from the Imperium, the Nicassar 
allied with the T'au for protection. They have fast, maneuverable ships that help the 
T'au explore new star systems.
5) Gue'vesa (Humans): The Gue'vesa are humans that have either been convinced 
to join the T'au Empire by the Water Caste, or who have been captured during wars 
between the T'au and the Imperium. They are given a relatively high degree of 
freedom by the T'au, and work together in combat to make up for each other's 
=========================================================================== | image tagged in simothefinlandized,warhammer 40k,summarized | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
1,033 views 2 upvotes Made by SimoTheFinlandized 3 years ago in 40k
[deleted] M
1 up, 3y,
1 reply
1 up, 3y,
1 reply
Is this a good "Bruh" or a bad "Bruh"?

I don't know, I've never got this response before.
[deleted] M
1 up, 3y,
1 reply
Good. This is a lot, and pretty accurate too.
1 up, 3y
Thank you :)
Created with the Imgflip Meme Generator
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  • Very long blank meme template
    ==================================================== WARHAMMER 40,000: Summarized In A Nutshell (By SimoTheFinlandized - In The Year 2022 CE) ==================================================== "Warhammer 40,000" is primarily set in the 41st Millenium CE, a science-fiction-&-fantasy future version of the real galaxy. Interstellar space-faring fusion-age humanity has spread greatly throughout the Milky Way Galaxy and encountered many alien races, most of which are extremely hostile. While humanity once dominated the galaxy in terms of political / military / economic / cultural / technological power, events such as an enormous A.I. rebellion, awry genetic mutations, psychically-charged "magic" uprisings, and a major galactic civil war have reduced them to a slowly-dying space-empire (The Imperium Of Man) that is barely clinging to power. As artificial-intelligence in general tends to become too smart to peacefully coexist with its creators, it is generally banned by most factions, who instead rely primarily on manual labor. In addition to all this madness, there is also an alternate psychically-charged reality called the Warp that mirrors the material galaxy and allows for psychic powers (many of which are similar to magic in most fantasy settings), psychically-composed beings (such as Daemons and the extremely powerful and ruinous Chaos-Gods) and is the backbone of pretty much all large-scale interstellar travel, communication, and commerce. The Warp is fundamentally an unstable dimension fed by the emotions of various sentient races in the galaxy, and as it fluctuates in strength, it can greatly help or hinder various factions. The galaxy in general is in a constant grim-dark state of warfare and military-and-political turbulence of many sordid flavors, and peace-and-prosperity as we know it (as well as the powers of science, technology, and higher progress and understanding in those fields for the most part) is exceedingly, more often than not, a forgotten factor, at least in a lasting fashion. In the far future of the Milky Way Galaxy, there is seemingly only war and carnage, that and the heinous laughter of thirsting chaotic gods. ================================================== FACTIONS: ================================================== The Imperium Of Man: ================================================== The Imperium of Man is the civilization that today's humanity is now. The Imperium Of Man is nominally ruled by the God-Emperor Of Mankind, an immortal god-like human psyker with by far the most powerful psychically-potent abilities, of whom the modern Imperium-Of-Man now worships as nothing less than God for his immense contributions to galactic Human civilization. Unfortunately, he was very badly wounded during the Horus Heresy (the largest Imperial civil-war), and is now no longer temporally able to lead humanity. The Imperium is a very spread-out interstellar space-faring fusion-age civilisation: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Astra Militarum (Imperial Guard): The large armies of normal humans. They use basic but reliable equipment, such as the iconic Lasgun (a laser rifle) and Leman Russ battle tank. Regiments of Imperial Guard are raised from planets all over the Imperium, so have a wide variety of appearances and tactics. The Imperial Guard is reliant on the Imperial Navy to transport it between planets. Players can also use these models to represent more minor human military factions, such as Planetary Defense Forces (PDF), traitor human armies or Imperial Navy troops. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Adeptus Astartes (Space Marines): Space Marines are genetically-modified humans, that are larger, faster, smarter and stronger than normal humans. They have extra organs that allow them to heal quickly, breathe underwater, spit acid, resist poison, etc. They wear advanced powered-armor that both enhances their strength (allowing them to carry heavy weapons) while also providing protection similar to a light- armoured vehicle. Space Marines are organised into 1,000 "Chapters" of 1,000 marines each, to prevent them forming a threat to the Imperium's political structure. Space Marines can live for a very long time (some are centuries or even millennia old), and become very skilled warriors due to their experience. Unlike the Astra Militarum, Space Marines are allowed to keep their own space fleets. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Adeptus Sororitas (Sisters Of Battle): The Sisters Of Battle are an all-female order of warriors under direct control of the Ecclesiarchy (the Imperial Church). The head of the Ecclesiarchy rebelled against the Imperium millenia ago, and was banned from using "Men under arms"; the Sisters Of Battle exist on a legal technicality, as they are not men. They are very pious and carry out many religious wars in the God-Emperor's name. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Adeptus Mechanicus: The Mechanicum is a whole civilisation dedicated to rediscovering old human science and technology (which they believe is holy), and exists alongside the Imperium. The Imperium has made a deal with them to provide all the materials and knowledge it can, while the Mechanicum in turn provides the machinery and war materiel the Imperium needs to remain in power. Adeptus Mechanicus members are often highly modified with bionic augmentations such as mechanical limbs, electronic eyes and brain computers. The Mechanicum also keeps control of the Titans, giant mechs that are humanity's most powerful ground-based war machines. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) Imperial Knights: Mechs that are smaller and simpler than Titans but still very powerful. They are owned and used by the Knight Houses, families that control feudal human worlds. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) The Inquisition: A large organisation of secret police, dedicated to fighting specific threats to humanity rather than large wars. The Inquisition has three main orders: Ordo Malleus to investigate Daemon activity, Ordo Xenos to investigate aliens and Ordo Hereticus to look for traitors, heretics and mutants. The Inquisition cannot be played as its own army in the game, but small units to represent its agents may be added to many other human factions. ==================================================== Chaos Gods: ==================================================== The forces of Chaos are those influenced by the power of the Warp. The Warp is a corrupting influence on most species, leading them to unpredictable behaviour. Chaos feeds off the emotions of the various races in the galaxy, and the strongest emotions combine to form powerful Warp beings called the Chaos Gods. The strongest four are: Khorne (anger, violence, hatred), Tzeentch (scheming, plots, change), Nurgle (entropy, disease, physical corruption) and Slaanesh (lust, greed, excess, pain, pleasure). The Chaos sub-factions may align with one, several or all of the Chaos Gods (known as "Chaos Undivided"). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Chaos Space Marines: These are Space Marines that have turned away from the Imperium for whatever reason. Many start with simple piracy, but slowly turn to the Chaos Gods for resources to support their operations. The first Chaos Space Marines occurred at the end of the Horus Heresy, a large civil war that place ten thousand years ago. Chaos Space Marines are generally in charge of the other Chaos forces, unlike in the Imperium. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Daemons: Daemons are warp beings of varying power, too weak to be considered Chaos Gods. The normally need to be summoned by a psyker to enter the material galaxy, but in areas where the Warp is very active they can sometimes cross over by themselves. Daemons have various powers depending on which Chaos God they align with. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) The Lost and the Damned (traitor humans): There are many large groups of Chaos-aligned humans, though many are there through enslavement rather than choice. They are generally less well-organised than their Imperial equivalents, though with help of the Dark Mechanicum they are often just as powerful. They can be represented in the game using the rules for the Imperial Guard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Dark Mechanicum: The traitor counterpart to the Adeptus Mechanicus. Due to their lack of resources and equipment, they often incorporate Daemons in place of other components, leading to powerful but often-uncontrollable machines. ===================================================== The Aeldari (Eldar): ===================================================== The Eldar are an ancient, powerfully psychic, technologically- advanced race, resembling the elves of many fantasy settings. They were once the most powerful faction in the galaxy, but their self-indulgence and debauchery led to their downfall via the creation of the Chaos God Slaanesh. The Eldar has splintered into many sub-factions, some of which share alliances and utilise the same types of equipment. The Eldar were responsible for the construction of the Webway, a way of traveling around the galaxy without risking exposure to the Warp (though it is now in disrepair). Some factions can make use of "Spirit Stones" that collect an Eldar's soul when they die to prevent it being captured by Slaanesh; these can then be used to operate machinery such as spaceships or combat mechs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Asuryani (Craftworld Eldar): An entirely space-borne faction of the Eldar, the Asuryani live aboard their gigantic spaceship-cities called "Craftworlds". The various Craftworlds are independent of each other, with no overall leader directing them. Asuryani dedicate themselves to various "Paths" (like having careers or learning skills in humanity) such as becoming an artisan, mariner (space sailor), leader or warrior. Some Eldar stay on one path their whole life, while others change between them as desired. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Exodites: The Exodites are Aeldari that have rejected advancement and technology, having abandoned the Craftworlds prior to the Eldar's fall to Slaanesh. The Exodites live on planets rather than spacecraft, and make use of "World Shrines" to capture their souls in an artificial afterlife instead of spirit stones. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Harlequins: Harlequins are Eldar aligned with the god "Cegorach" (the "Laughing God"), and mix their combat skills with theatrical, acrobatic performances. They began as a group to warn of the impending fall of the Eldar, and now continue their role as historians of the Eldar race. The Harlequins live in the remains of the Webway, and when they emerge for combat they are known for fast, fluid, dance-like motions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4) Ynnari: The Ynnari are a new group of Eldar with members from all factions (even from the Drukhari). They worship the young Eldar god Ynnead, who the think may be the last hope of saving the Eldar race from extinction. They live aboard fleets of spaceships, and focus most of their efforts against the forces of Chaos. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5) Drukhari (Dark Eldar): The Drukhari are the remains of the self-indulgent Eldar that led to the fall and the creation of Slaanesh. They are longer-lived than other Eldar, though this requires them to consume souls to extend their lives. The Dark Eldar suffer from "The Thirst", which is the need to capture other beings, torture them and consume their souls. Unlike other Eldar, psychic powers are rare. The Drukhari live in the twisted city of Commorragh, hidden within the Webway. They conduct regular raids into real space to capture slaves for their souls. =========================================================== Orks: =========================================================== The Orks are an artificially-engineered race with a crude but brutal nature, and provide much of the comedy relief for the setting. They may well be the most numerous race in the galaxy, but their highly fractured clan structure means they often fight amongst themselves rather than work together. Orks are the main sub-species of "Orkoids", which vary from the tiny child-like Snotlings up to the massive dinosaur-like Squiggoths. Orks require competition and violence to live as it makes them stronger, and Orks that do not fight will weaken and die. Orkoids are actually a fungus and spread via dropping spores instead of sexual reproduction, making them difficult to wipe out as their battlefields soon become spawning grounds for new Orks. Orks have a lot of knowledge encoded into their DNA such as medicinal care (Dokz) and engineering (Mekz), of which the most skilled are called Oddboyz. Rarely an Ork warboss will become powerful enough to declare a "Waaaagh!", which unites many clans into a crusade for fighting and looting. A "Waaaagh!" will often burn out by itself, as the Orks eventually turn to infighting. ============================================================ Necrons: ============================================================ The Necrons are an ancient race of mechanical warriors resembling skeletons, who used to be organic beings called the Necrontyr. The Necrontyr were tricked by the godlike beings called the C'tan, who gave them powerful weapons and promised them eternal life. Once the Necrontyr conquered the galaxy, they realised "eternal life" meant being turned into machines without souls and individuality. Now called Necrons, only the strongest kept their personalities and emotions. The Necrons turned on the C'tan and shattered them, capturing them in Shards to use as weapons. The fight against the C'tan had weakened the Necrons, so they chose to enter stasis on their Tomb Worlds, to sleep until the galaxy was one again full of life for them to harvest. The Necrons have slowly started to awaken in the 41st millennium, ready to strike out into the galaxy once more. Necrons are made of a substance called "Living Metal" that is very resistant to damage, but also allows them to repair themselves when destroyed. When too many Necrons of an army are defeated the rest "Phase Out" by teleporting back to their tombs, to rebuild their strength to fight another day. ============================================================== Tyranids: ============================================================== The Tyranids are an insect-like race that come from outside the Milky Way galaxy. They are formed into large Hive Fleets, collections of gigantic organic spaceships that can birth smaller creatures to fight on planets. The Tyranids are united and controlled by the Hive Mind, a psychic, intelligent consciousness that directs their actions. The Tyranids have been seen as instinctive by other factions in the galaxy, but they are slowly realising the Hive Mind is smarter than a mere insect. So far three main Hive Fleets have entered the galaxy (Behemoth, Kraken and Leviathan), but there are many smaller fleets formed from splinters of these main fleets. The Tyranids do not use any technology, relying instead on symbiotic organisms; for example, a Tyranid "gun" is actually a separate organism that can spit acid, give birth to flesh-eating beetles or project hardened spikes of bone. One challenge in fighting the Tyranids is the "Shadow in the Warp", and effect of the Hive Mind that dampens psychic powers, interstellar travel and communications. The Hive Mind is driven by eternal hunger, meaning the Tyranids only goal is to consume all organic material in the galaxy before moving on. When Tyranids attack a planet they consume all life, drink the oceans and suck up the atmosphere, leaving only airless rocks behind. The Hive Mind is capable of rapid evolution and is able to absorb the DNA of enemies they consume, meaning they are a constantly changing threat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Genestealers are an important Tyranid lifeform, who travel far ahead of the Hive Fleets to prepare worlds for invasion. Genestealers land on a planet and infect it's inhabitants, slowly building a "Genestealer Cult" that destabilizes any resistance to the approaching Hive Fleet. Infected members of the cult believe the approaching Tyranids are their salvation, but they are instead attacked and consumed like any other lifeform. ============================================================== The T'au Empire ============================================================== The T'au are a small and very young race, only a few thousand years old. They are very technologically gifted, with lots of scientists and engineers. The T'au are formed into four major Castes: Fire (warriors), Earth (scientists, engineers, farmers), Water (traders, bureaucrats, diplomats) and Air (pilots, spaceship pilots). A fifth leader caste, the Ethereals, control the rest of the T'au via some unknown method (possibly pheromones). The T'au believe in the "Greater Good", a philosophy where they all work together to build a more successful, easier future. The T'au do not have any psychic abilities and have very little psychic presence within the Warp, making them largely immune to Chaos. Instead of these abilities, the T'au use their powerful technology to compete with the larger factions. One feature of the T'au is their willingness to work with or subsume other races instead of fighting them, leading to a big variety of units they can deploy. The T'au prefer to fight at long-range, and rely on other races to fight in close combat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Allied/Subsumed Races: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Kroot: A humanoid race that may have originally been bird-like. The Kroot are able to direct their own evolution, leading to many sub-species such as the dog-like Kroot Hound or the ox-like Krootox. The Kroot are known to work as mercenaries for other factions, not just the T'au. They are used in close combat due to their fast movements and excellent hand-to-hand skills. —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Demiurg: A race of short, squat, space-based miners and traders. —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Vespid: An winged, insect-like race that did not initially want to ally with the T'au. The Ethereals provided them with "communication headsets" that mysteriously made them compliant and co-operative. They operate in war as scouts and rapid-reaction Troops. —----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Nicassar: A highly psychic race in hiding from the Imperium, the Nicassar allied with the T'au for protection. They have fast, maneuverable ships that help the T'au explore new star systems. —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) Gue'vesa (Humans): The Gue'vesa are humans that have either been convinced to join the T'au Empire by the Water Caste, or who have been captured during wars between the T'au and the Imperium. They are given a relatively high degree of freedom by the T'au, and work together in combat to make up for each other's Weaknesses. ===========================================================================