Well, Ink is actually a Chaotic Neutral(it's cannon) and Dream doesn't particularly fit anywhere on the chart, if your talking about the Cannon, then he's True Neutral(He's cannotically a sycopath or something because of the massive impact of negativity). The fandom version of Dream would stay where is is on the chart, but in my opinion Dream and Night(Passive Nightmare. YES HE HAS A F**KING NAME. HOW MANY TIMES DO I NEED TO SAY THIS-) would belong on the same tier. Blue's makes sense Fandom wise, but not cannon wise. Nightmare's one makes a shit tone of sense, no matter if it's cannon or not. Dust's one also fits as well, seeming he killed for a reason. Horror in Chaotic Evil is ok, I mean, he actively hunts humans, but it's because in the Horrortale au, Undyne's the queen and she's making them kill every single human that comes by, and there's barely any food, soo...
Fatal Error("Geno's Alolan Evolution" according to my brother) also belongs in Chaotic Evil, but the reasons are obvious this time.