I'm right handed, the thing that I like about him being left-handed is that it makes him unique amongst people and video game heroes. The tunic isn't bad necessarily, but the fact that the classic look takes work to access rather than being the starting equipment annoys me. No Link that I know of is more powerful than fierce diety Link, or perhaps the combined power of the Four Swords Links, although the time freeze thing certainly is powerful. (As a side note, I like the weaker Links more in general myself since, for one, I can't split into four or freeze time, and I prefer the simpler game play as well.) The norm breaking is something we differ in opinion on. I just felt as though it betrayed the lore almost as much as Spirit Tracks, and the game play change up made it feel to much like Minecraft or Fortnite. The huge map is awesome, and being able to use enemies' weapons is neat, but making all items degrade with use just isn't how LoZ games ever really worked, excepting ammo for ranged items and Deku sticks. And the addition of the OP IPad upsets me as well. Link is not meant to be able to freeze Ganon in time, leap into the air and spam bomb arrows into his head, killing him instantly. I also am glad to hear that the Second game us finally coming, and they may give me the lore I'm looking for.