Yep, these were the things biological women said. Look freedom has a price and limitations. The old yelling fire in a theater is one example. If you want to be transgender and spend the amount of money required to do it right, have fun. But it will ALWAYS be a compromise and you have to accept that reality. Even millionaire transgendes cannot buy a 100% anatomically correct body.
But before you scream equal rights, remember guys who want to be girls can play in women's sports, win women's trophies, piss in the women's bathroom, and shower with the naked ladies in the women's locker room. But you'll just have to accept you don't have a functional uterus and cannot complain about a period, complain about being pregnant, or talk about the pain of giving birth (yes I know the liberal media has quite a few stories of men giving birth, but each one is a biological woman...sorry). You've overplayed your hand already. Just calm down.
And biological women, you are standing in a curious position. Remember when a queen could give birth to a monarch with absolute power, but she herself had none? Remember when women were introduced under their husband's name? Remember when women couldn't easily leave the home while on their period? Or when your period was called the curse? Or you couldn't vote because it was assumed your vote would only follow your husband's vote anyways? Yeah women have come a long way. But for some reason liberals, progressives, democrats, SJWs, or what nots have decided men who want to be women not only deserve that right, but they actually deserve more rights than real women! The transgender community only encompases 0.6% of the US population! But the 49.6% population of women in the country must accept their every demand? Want to see your daughter's swimming record smashed by a man? See your wife's weightlifting record smashed by a man? Or see your daughter's basketball team lose to an all biological male "womens" team? Because you will. This does not stop until biological women stop it. Liberalism loves counterculture. Once they have played this issue to death, don't be shocked if pedophilia or beastiality is pushed as the next "right" some demographic deserves. But you are literally being placed in the back seat because tran's rights are more important if its a man. Shut up while men dictate what your options in life will be again? If that is what you want, then cool. But seems like you wasted the last 150 years.