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THE ELDER SCROLLS Lore: By SimoTheFinlandized (Written In 2021 CE)

THE ELDER SCROLLS Lore: By SimoTheFinlandized  (Written In 2021 CE) | ==========================
By SimoTheFinlandized 
(Written In 2021 CE)
Much of the lore in the Elder
 Scrolls universe is comprised
 of recorded events that are not
 experienced in any of the
 games. Most of the lore in The
 Elder Scrolls comes from the
 continent of Tamriel, in which
 currently all the games have
 taken place. The lore itself may
 describe places beyond
 Tamriel, which include other
 continents or realms of
There are three realms in the
 Elder Scrolls universe. These
1) Mundus – The realm in which
 all mortals reside, It consists of
 multiple planets, of which Nirn
 is the one in which all games
 and most lore takes place.
 There are a variety of planets
 orbiting Nirn within Mundus,
 which most scholars associate
 with the Aedra.
2) Oblivion – This is the realm
 where all Daedra reside. Each
 Daedric prince controls their
 own piece of oblivion, each
 differs greatly for every prince.
3) Aetherius – This is where the
 Magna Ge reside, and the
 Divines according to Imperial
 belief. It is the belief of several
 cultures that this is also where
 the souls of the dead reside.
In The Elder Scrolls, there are
 Eras that divide the timeline
 into sections. These are all
 reckoned by various events in
 Tamriel's history:
1) Dawn Era – The Dawn Era is
 the era in which time began
 and the world was created. It
 was a time of chaos and magic
 where gods walked Nirn. Elven
 history begins after the
 Cosmos stabilizes when
 Magnus leaves the world of
 Nirn and Lorkhan is
 condemned for creation of 
 the mortal plane. It begins with
 the emergence of Anu and
 Padomay and ends with the
2) Merethic Era – The Merethic
 Era is the era that begins when
 a linear timeline can be
 discerned. This era begins in
 ME 2500; the earliest date to be
 recorded by King Harald's
 scribes, and goes backwards 
 to 1E 1 (the first year of the first
 era). Some notable events of
 the Merethic Era include the
 construction of the
 Adamantine Tower (ME 2500),
 the exodus of the Aldmeri
 peoples from their ancestral
 homeland of Aldmeris and 
 the settling of the vast coasts
 of Tamriel, and later the
 exodus of the Atmorans from
 the continent of Atmora, the
 ancestors of the Nords, who
 begin settling the northern
 coasts of Tamriel. The era 
 ends with the founding of the
 Camoran Dynasty in
3) First Era - The First Era is a
 very long era that lasted for
 2,920 years and is marked by 
 a visible shift in power 
 between the Elven and Human
 races, with the success of the
 Alessian Rebellion and
 shattering of the Ayleid Empire.
 The Second Era begins when
 Reman Cyrodiil III and his heir,
 Juilek, are assassinated, ending
 the Reman line of Cyrodilic
 Emperors, and the Tsaesci
 Potentate Versidue-Shaie 
 takes the throne. The most
 notable events of the First Era
 include the formation of the
 first Orsinium, the first
 kingdom of Skyrim, the first
 empire of the Nords, and the
 first "Empire of Man" led by
 Saint Alessia.
4) Second Era – The Second Era
 lasted 896 years, beginning
 with the death of the Reman
 dynasty at the hands of the
 Morag Tong, and ending with
 Tiber Septim's harnessing of
 the Numidium and bringing
 peace to Tamriel. The more
 notable of the events of this
 Era include the assassination 
 of Potentate Versidue-Shaie
 and later his son
 Savirien-Chorak and all his
 heirs, ending the second
 Empire of Men and causing 
 the Interregnum. This period
 was also marked by the 
 Three Banners War between
 the Ebonheart Pact, Daggerfall
 Covenant, and the First 
 Aldmeri Dominion over the
 Ruby Throne, while the elven
 necromancer Mannimarco
 ruled the Empire and worked
 with the Daedric Prince Molag
 Bal, who wished to drag the
 mortal plane into his own
 plane of Oblivion, 
5) Third Era – The Third Era 
 was a rather short era that
 lasted 433 years (it is the era in
 which the first four main entry
 Elder Scrolls games occur). This
 era began when Tiber Septim
 united all of Tamriel under the
 banner of the Empire and the
 Septim Dynasty begins. Since
 the beginning of the Third
 Empire of Men, there have
 been many civil wars and
 revolts against the Empire's
 rule. Notable events of the
 Third Era include the
 Nerevarine's victory over
 Dagoth Ur and the 
 Akulakhan, the second
 eruption of Red Mountain, 
 and the assassination of 
 Uriel Septim VII, which would
 lead to the Oblivion Crisis.
 Martin Septim's sacrifice 
 during the Crisis marks the 
 end of both the Septim
 bloodline and the Third Era.
6) Fourth Era – The Fourth Era
 begins with the end of the
 Septim bloodline during the
 events of The Elder Scrolls IV:
 Oblivion. It marks the rise of
 the Thalmor and the
 establishment and rise of the
 Third Aldmeri Dominion, as
 well as the Great War with 
 the Third Empire. The last
 known year of the Fourth 
 Era is 4E 201, the year in which
 the Dragon Crisis occurred and
 the Last Dragonborn rose to
 combat the World Eater,
The continent of Tamriel is
 divided into nine provinces:
1) Black Marsh – The thick, wet,
 & very humid rainforested
 tropical homeland of the
 reptilian Argonian race.
2) Cyrodiil – The cosmopolitan
 wealthy, powerful, &
 prestigious highly-civilized 
 human-dominated  Imperial
 Province, comprising the
 Nibenay Valley and Colovia,
 with the great capital city of
 Imperial City (seat of the
 Tamriellic Emperor) located 
 within its center.
3) The Elsweyr Confederacy –
 Home to the feline race known
 as the Khajiit. At the time of
 The Elder Scrolls V,
 it is split into two states,
 northern desertified Anequina
 and tropical drug-trading
4) Summerset Isles – A chain of
 tropical islands which is home
 to the highly-civilized,
 technically-advanced, &
 magically-adept race of
 elves known as the Altmer.
5) Hammerfell – A harsh desert
 region which is home to the
 sword-adept race of human
 warriors known as the 
6) High Rock – Home to the
 highly-civilized & well-cultured
 race known as the Bretons.
 Also often the location
 of Orsinium, the city of the
 Orsimer, which has been
 destroyed, relocated and
 rebuilt many times. The
 location of Orsinium in the 4th
 era is unknown.
7) Morrowind – Home to the
 Dunmer. Dominated by the
 island of Vvardenfell and the
 Red Mountain volcano, which
 nearly destroyed the region &
 devastated the area.
8) Skyrim – Home of the
 Viking-esque race of extremely
 hardy frost-resistant men
 known as the Nords. Skyrim is
 allegedly the first province to
 be settled by man, although
 this is disputed.
9) Valenwood – Forest region
 that is home of the Bosmer, an
 elvish race of wilderness-loving
 people who live in the forested
 wild one with nature and dwell
 in cities built of trees.
There are several other known
 regions on Nirn. Much of what
 is known of these places comes
 from Tamrielic-centric sources.
10) Aldmeris – Also called Old
 Ehlnofey, Aldmeris is the
 mythical home of the ancestors
 of modern mer. The location of
 the continent is currently
 unknown, and some doubt its
 current existence.
11) Akavir – Very little is known
 about Akavir. The continent is
 allegedly home of four races,
 the Tsaesci, the Ka Po' Tun, the
 Kamal and the Tang Mo. These
 terms may also apply to
 provinces within the continent.
 According to some, this is
 where Dragons originated
 from, before migrating to
12) Atmora – Traditionally held
 to be the home of men before
 they came to Tamriel, although
 this is not the only claim. The
 word means "Elder Wood."
13) Pyandonea – A chain of
 islands southwest of the
 Summerset Isles. Home to 
 the Maormer, who have
 attempted to conquer the
 Summerset Isles at various
 points in history.
14) Thras – A chain of islands 
 on a coral reef, sometimes
 called the Coral Kingdom.
 Home of the Sloads.
15) Yokuda – The land where
 the Redguard race originated
 before they set foot in
 Hammerfell. An unknown
 phenomenon caused Yokuda
 to sink beneath the waves in
 the First Era.
The cosmology itself involves
 several common concepts. An
 outline of some of these are:
1) Dragon Breaks – Periods of
 time in which linear time, and
 therefore causality, do not
 apply. The events of the game
 Daggerfall caused a dragon
 break, making all possible
 endings to the game true
2) Elder Scrolls – The Elder
 Scrolls are artifacts of an
 unknown provenance, that
 show various interpretations 
 of future events, of what might
 be. Each reader comes away
 with a different interpretation,
 until the events described in
 the scroll come to pass, at
 which point the scrolls 
 become fixed. Reading an Elder
 Scroll takes a toll on the reader,
 who loses part of their sight
 with every reading, eventually
 going blind.
3) Et'ada – Also called the
 Original Spirits, the Et'ada were
 spirits that were present at the
 creation of Mundus. Those who
 took part are most frequently
 termed the Aedra, those who
 did not the Daedra, and those
 who did initially but abandoned
 the world as it was being
 created the Magna Ge.
4) Subgradience – In the
 universe of The Elder Scrolls, all
 creation flows from the
 interplay between two entities,
 which go by many names but
 are most commonly called Anu
 and Padomay. These two
 entities split themselves in
 order to know themselves
 better, resulting in the Et'ada,
 who subsequently
 subgradiated again to produce
 Mundus and the mortal races.
========================== | image tagged in simothefinlandized,the elder scrolls,video games,lore,summarized | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
539 views 5 upvotes Made by SimoTheFinlandized 3 years ago in Gaymer
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    ========================== THE ELDER SCROLLS Lore: By SimoTheFinlandized (Written In 2021 CE) ========================== Much of the lore in the Elder Scrolls universe is comprised of recorded events that are not experienced in any of the games. Most of the lore in The Elder Scrolls comes from the continent of Tamriel, in which currently all the games have taken place. The lore itself may describe places beyond Tamriel, which include other continents or realms of existence. ========================== REALMS: ========================== There are three realms in the Elder Scrolls universe. These are: 1) Mundus – The realm in which all mortals reside, It consists of multiple planets, of which Nirn is the one in which all games and most lore takes place. There are a variety of planets orbiting Nirn within Mundus, which most scholars associate with the Aedra. 2) Oblivion – This is the realm where all Daedra reside. Each Daedric prince controls their own piece of oblivion, each differs greatly for every prince. 3) Aetherius – This is where the Magna Ge reside, and the Divines according to Imperial belief. It is the belief of several cultures that this is also where the souls of the dead reside. ========================== ERAS: ========================== In The Elder Scrolls, there are Eras that divide the timeline into sections. These are all reckoned by various events in Tamriel's history: 1) Dawn Era – The Dawn Era is the era in which time began and the world was created. It was a time of chaos and magic where gods walked Nirn. Elven history begins after the Cosmos stabilizes when Magnus leaves the world of Nirn and Lorkhan is condemned for creation of the mortal plane. It begins with the emergence of Anu and Padomay and ends with the Convention. 2) Merethic Era – The Merethic Era is the era that begins when a linear timeline can be discerned. This era begins in ME 2500; the earliest date to be recorded by King Harald's scribes, and goes backwards to 1E 1 (the first year of the first era). Some notable events of the Merethic Era include the construction of the Adamantine Tower (ME 2500), the exodus of the Aldmeri peoples from their ancestral homeland of Aldmeris and the settling of the vast coasts of Tamriel, and later the exodus of the Atmorans from the continent of Atmora, the ancestors of the Nords, who begin settling the northern coasts of Tamriel. The era ends with the founding of the Camoran Dynasty in Valenwood. 3) First Era - The First Era is a very long era that lasted for 2,920 years and is marked by a visible shift in power between the Elven and Human races, with the success of the Alessian Rebellion and shattering of the Ayleid Empire. The Second Era begins when Reman Cyrodiil III and his heir, Juilek, are assassinated, ending the Reman line of Cyrodilic Emperors, and the Tsaesci Potentate Versidue-Shaie takes the throne. The most notable events of the First Era include the formation of the first Orsinium, the first kingdom of Skyrim, the first empire of the Nords, and the first "Empire of Man" led by Saint Alessia. 4) Second Era – The Second Era lasted 896 years, beginning with the death of the Reman dynasty at the hands of the Morag Tong, and ending with Tiber Septim's harnessing of the Numidium and bringing peace to Tamriel. The more notable of the events of this Era include the assassination of Potentate Versidue-Shaie and later his son Savirien-Chorak and all his heirs, ending the second Empire of Men and causing the Interregnum. This period was also marked by the Three Banners War between the Ebonheart Pact, Daggerfall Covenant, and the First Aldmeri Dominion over the Ruby Throne, while the elven necromancer Mannimarco ruled the Empire and worked with the Daedric Prince Molag Bal, who wished to drag the mortal plane into his own plane of Oblivion, Coldharbour. 5) Third Era – The Third Era was a rather short era that lasted 433 years (it is the era in which the first four main entry Elder Scrolls games occur). This era began when Tiber Septim united all of Tamriel under the banner of the Empire and the Septim Dynasty begins. Since the beginning of the Third Empire of Men, there have been many civil wars and revolts against the Empire's rule. Notable events of the Third Era include the Nerevarine's victory over Dagoth Ur and the Akulakhan, the second eruption of Red Mountain, and the assassination of Uriel Septim VII, which would lead to the Oblivion Crisis. Martin Septim's sacrifice during the Crisis marks the end of both the Septim bloodline and the Third Era. 6) Fourth Era – The Fourth Era begins with the end of the Septim bloodline during the events of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. It marks the rise of the Thalmor and the establishment and rise of the Third Aldmeri Dominion, as well as the Great War with the Third Empire. The last known year of the Fourth Era is 4E 201, the year in which the Dragon Crisis occurred and the Last Dragonborn rose to combat the World Eater, Alduin. ========================== GEOGRAPHY: ========================== The continent of Tamriel is divided into nine provinces: 1) Black Marsh – The thick, wet, & very humid rainforested tropical homeland of the reptilian Argonian race. 2) Cyrodiil – The cosmopolitan wealthy, powerful, & prestigious highly-civilized human-dominated Imperial Province, comprising the Nibenay Valley and Colovia, with the great capital city of Imperial City (seat of the Tamriellic Emperor) located within its center. 3) The Elsweyr Confederacy – Home to the feline race known as the Khajiit. At the time of The Elder Scrolls V, it is split into two states, northern desertified Anequina and tropical drug-trading Pelletine. 4) Summerset Isles – A chain of tropical islands which is home to the highly-civilized, technically-advanced, & magically-adept race of elves known as the Altmer. 5) Hammerfell – A harsh desert region which is home to the sword-adept race of human warriors known as the Redguard. 6) High Rock – Home to the human-elf-hybrid highly-civilized & well-cultured race known as the Bretons. Also often the location of Orsinium, the city of the Orsimer, which has been destroyed, relocated and rebuilt many times. The location of Orsinium in the 4th era is unknown. 7) Morrowind – Home to the Dunmer. Dominated by the island of Vvardenfell and the Red Mountain volcano, which nearly destroyed the region & devastated the area. 8) Skyrim – Home of the Viking-esque race of extremely hardy frost-resistant men known as the Nords. Skyrim is allegedly the first province to be settled by man, although this is disputed. 9) Valenwood – Forest region that is home of the Bosmer, an elvish race of wilderness-loving people who live in the forested wild one with nature and dwell in cities built of trees. ========================== There are several other known regions on Nirn. Much of what is known of these places comes from Tamrielic-centric sources. 10) Aldmeris – Also called Old Ehlnofey, Aldmeris is the mythical home of the ancestors of modern mer. The location of the continent is currently unknown, and some doubt its current existence. 11) Akavir – Very little is known about Akavir. The continent is allegedly home of four races, the Tsaesci, the Ka Po' Tun, the Kamal and the Tang Mo. These terms may also apply to provinces within the continent. According to some, this is where Dragons originated from, before migrating to Tamriel. 12) Atmora – Traditionally held to be the home of men before they came to Tamriel, although this is not the only claim. The word means "Elder Wood." 13) Pyandonea – A chain of islands southwest of the Summerset Isles. Home to the Maormer, who have attempted to conquer the Summerset Isles at various points in history. 14) Thras – A chain of islands on a coral reef, sometimes called the Coral Kingdom. Home of the Sloads. 15) Yokuda – The land where the Redguard race originated before they set foot in Hammerfell. An unknown phenomenon caused Yokuda to sink beneath the waves in the First Era. ========================== COSMOLOGY & RELIGION: ========================== The cosmology itself involves several common concepts. An outline of some of these are: 1) Dragon Breaks – Periods of time in which linear time, and therefore causality, do not apply. The events of the game Daggerfall caused a dragon break, making all possible endings to the game true simultaneously. 2) Elder Scrolls – The Elder Scrolls are artifacts of an unknown provenance, that show various interpretations of future events, of what might be. Each reader comes away with a different interpretation, until the events described in the scroll come to pass, at which point the scrolls become fixed. Reading an Elder Scroll takes a toll on the reader, who loses part of their sight with every reading, eventually going blind. 3) Et'ada – Also called the Original Spirits, the Et'ada were spirits that were present at the creation of Mundus. Those who took part are most frequently termed the Aedra, those who did not the Daedra, and those who did initially but abandoned the world as it was being created the Magna Ge. 4) Subgradience – In the universe of The Elder Scrolls, all creation flows from the interplay between two entities, which go by many names but are most commonly called Anu and Padomay. These two entities split themselves in order to know themselves better, resulting in the Et'ada, who subsequently subgradiated again to produce Mundus and the mortal races. ==========================