I hope Ukraine loses and I hope if Russia bombs Ukraine again that Biden is in the place that is bombed and dies cuz he raised our gas prices “FoR uKrAiNe” like who gives a shit bout Ukraine. Unless you’re from Ukraine why should Tax paying American citizens have to sacrifice a vital resource and pay extra cuz Biden wanna care bout some shit-poor place, Biden shouldn’t stick his nose in something that ain’t our problem, they aren’t attacking us, so Biden is a dick-head, we already have enough problems in the U.S. and the prices for everything are already high cuz of the pandemic, now he wants to raise them again for some shit-poor country being attacked? That’s crazy, he should focus on getting rid of homelessness and poverty in the U.S. first BEFORE worrying about some shit-poor place on the other side of the go***mn world, it’s like Ukraine ain’t even trying to fight back, they just let Russia attack them, they are losing, they should just surrender so this shit can be over with, oh boo hoo too bad so sad people died so what, they aren’t American troops, why should we suffer cuz Biden wants to “help” a trash country, it’s not like Biden is even helping, just not buying gas isn’t helping Ukraine, how about he sends some troops to help since he wanna help, not make our gas prices go up, I hope Biden gets bombed and dies painfully during the next Russian attack on Ukraine