Doge:Well,guess it's time I get serious,if you're not gonna take me seriously.(He teleports infront of Nok,and repeatedly hits him with a baseball bat,surprisingly hardly-)
((ok. good.))
Nok: "Look, you... dog... Thing, I don't give a single SHIT about your weaponry. You can't kill me. I find a way out of everything. EVERYTHING."
*Nok's face starts turning to static*
*Nok is completely unfazed by being hit with the piano*
Nok: "Oh, i'm late for a meeting with some of the world's greatest villains, similar to myself. I gotta go."
*Nok starts walking away*
JooJooShooShooMooMoo: *says in his las few words* a-a-a-actually *coughs blood* i-i-i-i-i--ii- do-d-d-d-d-on't t-t-h-h-t-t-h-ht-tink s=s-s-s-s-so *pulls out uno reverse