The covid restrictions didn't stop the spread of covid, there are multiple studies (including from Jonhs Hopkins) that show that there is no direct correlation to the restrictions and the lowering of covid cases. You also don't realize that the lockdowns caused people to suffer from effects a lot worse than the virus such as mental health issues, domestic abuse and even deaths from alcoholism, drug overdose and even youth suicides. The spread of a virus is something that nobody can help and can't be stopped with any government intervention and besides, covid isn't actually as deadly dangerous as we are made to believe, it only badly effects the vulnerable and for everyone else who isn't vulnerable, covid cases are like a mild cold. The way to protect the vulnerable from covid is through targeted measures that are specifically for protecting the vulnerable and not destroy the lives of everyone else. And besides covid is now more mild and there are much less cases now and people can now have their lives back but you don't care, you just want to push a petty toxic divisive political agenda and hate on people just for living their own lives and doing their thing. You and Putin have a lot in common, you both want to violate people's rights and take away their freedom. Putin once called the collapse of the USSR a 'tragedy' that tells me he is still a communist scumbag at heart just like you in fact I think deep inside you are all too maliciously, sadistically, evilly happy that Putin is harming the Ukrainians. His invasion of the Ukrainian is basically an attempt to bring the USSR back and I know you would love such an atrocity to happen. You claim to support the Ukrainian's freedom but I know you are outright LYING, Putin the very evil thing you want to be inflicted on everyone, violating people's freedoms with big government tyranny.