OCTOBER 30 2007; LEVEL 2; scp-6568-B; Euclid; scp-6568-B must be kept inside a 15 by 14 containment chamber and kept away from any loud noises; scp-6568-B looks similar to the average World War 1 german soldier complete with the standard issue rifle, the gewehr 98.
In terms of stature he is [REDACTED] tall and [REDACTED] wide.
In terms of powers he holds a ammo pouch that seems to hold a infinte amount of 7.92×57mm bullets as well as having a more durable body than the average human.
Whenever his gewehr 98 is near any sound that would sound like a sound of war he will manifest and begin to shoot at the entity that caused said sound.
due to the amount of quietness needed to interact, testing will be conducted by dr [DATA EXPUNGED]