According to my own shit memory, you didn't. I remember when SPIKE HIMSELF made that.
So that's cap. LOTS OF CAP. Don't complain that you have haters when you did it to yourself bitch. Wait Bitch is such a weak word on it's own. what about "A Terrible Shithole"? yeah that fits better for you're lying and capping ass saying that you created Spike, and stole him and re-named him Cris. I'm sorry but just by hearing or even reading the name Cris reminds me of my Grandpa's name, and my Grandpa is dead, he died from a type of brain cancer. And right now he'd agree with me you capping shit ass.
Go touch some grass or I'll force you to. Everyone here knows your just stealing the AU, so go f**k off, no-one here wants you here, and no-one here loves you. Learn to spell, go back to Pre-School because going back to Kinder-Garten isn't enough for you. Your parents might also be related and you won't know it. They might not even be your real parents, you might be a fostered brainless child. Get some sense into yourself you lying, capping shithole