I'd say that's the devil is trying deceive and convince people of their gender/sexuality confusion to lead us away from God.
Satan hates human beings because God has a special love for us and has made us in His image. Satan works to destroy God's creation, leading human souls into death, torment and misery, eternal damnation/eternal separation from God.
Satan is a deceiver, trying to convince humans that he and Hell don't exist and to not believe in Christianity. For those who believe that Satan and Hell exist, he will try to confuse people about the teaching of Christ's word.
God's plan for humanity couldn't include trans or genderless because, if that were true, then He would've created 3 options, all with different anatomy - male, female, and genderless. If God wanted a male to be female or vice versa, then He would've created that person according to his plan, in the correct body, in the first place. Not to mention the confusion being pushed upon the younger generation that girls can have male's anatomy and vice versa, meaning trans without the full surgery. It is all a strategic assault being waged upon the minds and souls of younger people today to confuse them.