Are kitten photos NFTs?
What is an NFT?
So, well you see, first of all it's a non-fungible token.
Right, right, right, I got that part.
So that means you can't, you know, funge it.
Makes sense.
SO like, see, look here. *shows a photo of a kitten* SO that's an NFT, right? SO you can't funge it. But this, *swipes to a photo of the same kitten* is not an NFT so you CAN funge it.
I see Isee I see I see. Wait lemme try to funge it.
K, go ahead.
*funges it*
Cool cool, now try to funge this, swipes back. I can't funge it.
Yeah see. Makes total sense, huh?
(plot heavily influenced by Julie Nolke)