🔴There are only 2 types of business: Your MLM or a Corporation.🤨
🔴I have to pay money to sell junk
🔴I have to annoy people to buy said junk
🔴I'm not guaranteed a fixed income for 40 hours of work
🔴I don't have to keep product on hand, but if I don't I'll have no experience with it, and I still have to maintain a monthly quota to be "active" and able to sell.
🔴I have a 'business' yet it's not registered with my state, and I can be "let go" for any reason, plus the quota thing...
🔴 It's all about recruiting others to get sucked into this same vortex. SO LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT:; BUT GO ON... TELL ME MORE ABOUT YOUR MLM "BUSINESS"