Universities have priced themselves out of being worth it. You just will not earn enough money after graduation to pay off those huge college loans. There are a whole lot of careers that do not require a college education were you can earn as much money as those with a college degree. And even if you don't earn quite as much at least you won't have that huge debt hanging over your head.
The world still needs plumbers, electricians, cement finishers, dry wall hangers, auto mechanics, etc. You can earn as much or more than those with college degrees. You can even do what I did. I don't have a bachelors and i have been software developer for 30 years. Most employers want to know if you can do the job more than if you have a degree.
You can even start your own business. No college degree is needed for that.
If you are willing to get in and work your butt off you will succeed. And if you don't succeed at first try again. Every self made rich person has had a ton of failures behind them before the got rich.