As you can clearly see in the transcript, when he said fine people on both sides, he was not talking about the Nazi's and the white nationalists. In fact, he specifically condemns right in the speech, but the left media edits that part out. Instead of creating the Fine People Hoax, the media should have created the headline "Trump condemns Nazi's and White Nationalist." That would have been accurate. The context of Trump's comments, as you can clearly see from the full quote, is the statue debate. Long before the hated and condemned Nazi's showed up, there were plenty of regular people protesting the removal of statues... this includes history enthusiasts, civil war buffs, college professors, people interested in statues as art and many others who don't like seeing statues removed. It's ok to have a peaceful debate about Statues. There are fine people who want the statues removed, and fine people that want them to stay. The 'Fine People Hoax' is CNN creating deceptively edited videos of Trump saying 'Fine people, both sides' as they show images of Nazi's marching with tiki torches. Trump specifically called out in this very quote that he was not talking about them... he condemns them. CNN edits this out and it runs across all the news networks. This is how fake news is born. You have to be pretty crazy to think the President of the United States and leader of the free world is going to stand in public and praise Nazi's. If that really happened, it would be the biggest story of all time. But, it didn't happen. It's fake news.