This just shows you the slime chunks, as below about Y40 slimes start to spawn in slime chunks, and superflat worlds start at Y4. Anyway, have an upvote!!
once i was seven years old,
village streets where gravel,
and the blacksmiths actualy wore black
and all the house were made of stone.
the villigers don't sleep, altho you think i'm crazy.
there were no stations for the villagers to get thier jobs, yeah
and you could trade all day their stock will still be brim full
and all the players woudn't one another
i remember first playing the game in 2014, when i was 7. 1.8.8 was out, and boy did i get lost alot. here we are now, in 1.18. i remember seeing villages like this, and i couldn't help but to explore them, looking for a blacksmith