For those who don't pay attention the owners have been discussing this.... i d e a .
Basically we'd only have a few, maybe like... 3 or so MAIN owners, only 3 or so, and then all the ex owners would become mods.
Meaning everyone who wasn't an owner before gets no mod or owner. Okay? NOW. B4 yall come at me like "omg the owners are so f**king biased" shut up and listen. It's like... literally this whole ass stream has too much freedom. The mods, the owners, there were twenty-one f**king owners. TWENTY ONE. NAH, BRUH. And I didn't wANt to take away all the mods rn cuz not a lot of owners are on, but Spire got hasty and shit so here we are.
My point is, theres a 50% chance everyones gonna get their mod back. So b4 yall make a stupid post asking "wHerE'D mY mOd gO" look around the stream, go to Spires profile, read the f**king comments on their most recent images, and some things might click.
Again, don't come at m e . I didn't wanna do this rn. Spire got hasty and shit.