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Make conspiracy theories fun again! | image tagged in make,conspiracy theories,fun,again,that was awesome,maga | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
297 views 3 upvotes Made by Slobama 3 years ago in politics
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It's true! Now the conspiracy theories are about Trump! You've got the Trump/Russia conspiracy theory, fine people hoax, drinking bleach hoax, Capital Riot conspiracy theory... and on and on. The left has totally lite their hair on fire! It would be nice to get back to just talking about bigfoot.
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Capitol Hill riot | image tagged in capitol hill riot | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Tell me what really happened at the Capitol on Jan. 6.
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Is there a mystery about Jan 6th? A bunch of crazy Q people rioted in the capital and hundreds were arrested. Other then the crazy Q people, no one on the right supports any of the 100s of riots that happened around the election... including this 1.
0 ups, 3y
And a bunch of UC fed agents to encourage the violence.
Sorry, I meant Unindicted coconspirators ...
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Fair enough. Next question — Was former President Trump himself personally responsible in any way for the Jan. 6 riot by:

—Refusing to concede the election, which is unprecedented in Presidential history;
—Telling hundreds of lies about the 2020 election in its aftermath;
—Pressuring Republican officials in swing states to overturn certified results, including asking officials on Georgia to “find 11,000 votes”;
—Holding a high-profile rally in Washington, D.C. the very day of the congressional certification of the election;
—Tweeting in advance that the day would “be wild”;
—Platforming speakers that day who suggested that in light of legal defeats, Trump supporters would need to engage in “trial by combat”;
—Personally telling his assembled crowd that they would have to “fight like hell” or they “won’t have a country anymore”;
—Suggesting the crowd march down Pennsylvania Avenue in the direction of the Capitol, but failing to accompany the crowd to the Capitol as he suggested he would in his speech;
—Continuing to tweet critically about Mike Pence even as the pro-Trump mob descended on the Capitol chanting “Hang Mike Pence”;
—Failing to do anything for hours on Jan. 6, as police officers were being battered and his own supporters were endangering their own lives, not to mention their extreme proximity to the country’s entire Congressional delegation, other than watch the drama unfold on television;
—Making personal loyalty to himself (and to a blinkered understanding of Jan. 6) a condition of elected officials’ continued membership in one of America’s two major parties.
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TDS paranoia | image tagged in tds paranoia | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Oh , this is just about your Trump Derangement Syndrome , now I get it
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You’re using what’s called “laundry list” persuasion. You take lots of nothings, like saying a day will be wild, and add them all together thinking they are something. 0+0+0+0+0=0. If you had one good argument, you’d use it. Since you don’t have a good argument, you just toss a bunch of nothing against the wall and hope something sticks. Won’t work with me.

I’m a reasonable person. I’ll give you this… I think most on the right, including me, concede that Trump bears some responsibility for the capital riot for using inflammatory rhetoric. Many in DC have done this long before Trump got there and it can lead crazy people to violence. I’ll pick Bernie Sanders saying Republicans were trying to kill you by not giving you healthcare. As a direct result of that comment, someone shot up the congressional baseball game. The shooter sited Bernie’s comments as his motivation. Do I blame Bernie directly? No. Does he bear some responsibility for using inflammatory rhetoric? Yes.

There is one and only one reason the capital riot is still daily headline news and still the subject of on-going inquiries by the left. It’s an attempt to make all of the right look bad. That’s it. It doesn’t matter that everyone on the right, including Trump, condemns it. Its all the left wants to talk about. And, hear I am talking about it adding heat to the fire. We should be talking about Biden… who has been the worst president in American history… by far! Yes, worse then Carter!
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“Laundry list persuasion”

Yo dawg heard you liked laundry lists. Here’s another. I’m not trying to persuade, though. In all my time spent/wasted discussing politics, I’ve never changed a single person’s mind. It’s not a goal of mine. But, I do like to know what the facts are, and when I encounter someone who thinks differently than me, get their take on them.

I can’t make you care about any of the items in my list, or in this one. If you assign them zero value, that’s your right. But if you are a reasonable person, you’ll acknowledge that it’s possible to care about them, to use them as the basis for your decision to vote, and to choose the other guy.

In other words — if you are a reasonable person, you’ll acknowledge there was plenty worth criticizing in Trump’s presidency that caused him to lose the 2020 election, fair & square.

That’s all I’m seeking, really, a shared commitment to the same reality. I used to be a libertarian-inclined Republican myself — until the GOP went way too far, in my opinion. I know it’s possible to disagree on things and still be an American.
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Yeah... not effective. it makes the left feel good, but doesn't effect anyone else. Again, if you have 1 good argument, use it. Way more effective. Example: Biden is the worst President in American History because he created massive inflation by over spending and over stimulated the economy.
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Inflation is happening pretty much everywhere around the world due to Covid and the supply chain and labor market disruptions it’s caused.

The best argument in favor of Biden’s Build Back Better agenda is that inflation always hurts the lowest-income people the hardest, so economic relief targeted (especially) toward that segment of the population is a good thing.

The best argument against BBB is that those same policies add more inflationary pressures.

Biden’s administration has passed Covid relief and the infrastructure bill, but not Build Back Better. Particularly with Senator Manchin’s statement of today seemingly putting a nail in the coffin of his potential support for it, we may never see the effects of BBB on the economy.

A lot of the economy comes down to economic fundamentals outside the President’s control. I didn’t blame Trump for the economy’s tailspin in 2020 and I don’t blame Biden for what the economy is doing now.
0 ups, 3y
Wow... you actually sound quite reasonable. I argue inflation hurts savers, like me, more them people who work pay check to pay check. If prices go up, workers will demand higher labor. I know personally I am having to pay low wage earners more because they are dealing with inflation. In the mean time, my savings are becoming worth less and less. There is virtually no interest paid now, so the only way for a saver to hedge inflation is to increase risk... something I choose not to do. I'm not asking you to cry for me, but ever percent we jack up inflation is a direct downward jerk on my wealth. No one comes along later and "pays you more because of inflation" if you are sitting on savings.

Thanks for a pleasant debate :)
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I’ll offer the left advice on how to better criticize Trump. Be clear and specific and don’t lie. The right knows he has flaws. Point to his real flaws… for example… he didn’t make the progress he promised on healthcare. If someone on the left said that, I’d think… you’re right. Or, say Trump is supposed to be a conservative, but he over spent. Yes, he did… I’d agree. But instead, the left flies off on conspiracy theories and hoaxes. I didn’t even used to talk about politics. The only thing that got me into this game is the endless lies from the left. Just stick to the truth and you’ll be much more effective at debating the right.

In the laundry list you sent, it says there was an insurrection in the 1st sentence. This is a lie. There was a riot. I get to this lie and stop reading.
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Trump can hold a rally in any state on any day he wants. He can speak to his people on any topic he chooses.

It wasn’t coincidental that he chose Washington D.C. on Jan. 6, the day Congress was due to certify the Electoral College’s vote. It wasn’t coincidental he fired up his crowd with bogus theories of election fraud, told them to “fight like hell,” and then sent them marching in the direction of Congress.

The day was planned out in some ways, haphazard and spontaneous in others.

There were soccer mom “MAGA tourists” in the crowd who just basically got swept along in the excitement, as well as hardcore white nationalist militiamen who came ready to rumble, to take prisoners or hang or shoot any offending politician they found. And everything in-between.

“Zip Tie Guy” and his mom represent both ends of the spectrum.

It wasn’t a “coup,” given that the military didn’t intervene on the MAGA mob’s behalf. However, the essential political factors — its aim of undoing an election by force, the proximity and danger to America’s elected officials — are what upgrade this from a riot to an insurrection. In my opinion.

It’d be one thing if Trump was convicted in his second impeachment trial and barred from ever running again. That would have bookended this.

But the fact the GOP hasn’t seriously repudiated Jan. 6, and has instead doubled-down on Trump and Trump-like candidates, thrown out those who tell the truth, and are passing overly-restrictive voting laws in state after state based on the same lies, seizing control of local election boards, etc. is why Jan. 6 remains relevant.
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Of course it wasn’t a coincidence he was speaking in DC that day. He specifically said out loud that he was concerned about the election process. The time and place to say that is in DC on that day, which is exactly what he did. Many of the concerns he spoke of that day still exist, such as the inability to audit mail-in votes in some states and states that have covid-based voting policies in place that violate the constitution. A reasonable person can debate these things in DC on that day in the hopes of delaying the certification of the election until issues are settled. Did I, as a Republican, think it was time to concede? Yes, but others felt we hadn’t given the election the kind of review needed. To this day we don’t have any explanation for statistical anomalies in the data. I feel we did our best and we just have to accept Biden and move on, but I’m not satisfied with our government being unable to audit elections. If I’m a military voter in Georgia, I have no way to verify my mail-in vote was counted. I’m also not content knowing many states have no laws against ballot harvesting. With ballot harvesting alone, the door is open for Biden to have legally won because of mail-in covid-votes, but for the election to have been rigged by way of harvesting. It’s not unreasonable to be concerned about all this. It is, however, unreasonable to storm the capital. We have many things that need to be fixed if we want our elections to be credible by 2022.
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That’s easy enough. A black man was murdered by cops in broad daylight, folks around the country and around the world got mad.

White conservatives lost their minds!

Now do Jan. 6
2 ups, 3y
January 6th couldn't have been a "Peaceful Protest" , there was no looting and fire , hypocrite much ?
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