“Laundry list persuasion”
Yo dawg heard you liked laundry lists. Here’s another. I’m not trying to persuade, though. In all my time spent/wasted discussing politics, I’ve never changed a single person’s mind. It’s not a goal of mine. But, I do like to know what the facts are, and when I encounter someone who thinks differently than me, get their take on them.
I can’t make you care about any of the items in my list, or in this one. If you assign them zero value, that’s your right. But if you are a reasonable person, you’ll acknowledge that it’s possible to care about them, to use them as the basis for your decision to vote, and to choose the other guy.
In other words — if you are a reasonable person, you’ll acknowledge there was plenty worth criticizing in Trump’s presidency that caused him to lose the 2020 election, fair & square.
That’s all I’m seeking, really, a shared commitment to the same reality. I used to be a libertarian-inclined Republican myself — until the GOP went way too far, in my opinion. I know it’s possible to disagree on things and still be an American.