Soft!W.Bun: scares me...
Fading!W.Bun: you'll live, watch.. *makes another, as it dreidels around the floor before stopping* see..?
Soft!W.Bun: ..o-oh
Fading!W.Bun: you don't always have to be afraid of the world around you..I'll be here to protect you whenever you need me...always
Soft!W.Bun: :3 thank you daddy! *hug*
Fading!W.Bun: ...and please stop calling me's becoming a habit I don't like..
Soft!W.Bun: can we keep them please..?
Fading!.Bun: mm, I don't know..
Soft!W.Bun: aw c'mon! You're the oldest!
Fading!W.Bun: and you're the youngest.
Soft!W.Bun: hmph..
Fading!W.Bun: and I don't trust you with many things...
Soft!W.Bun: and..? I wanna be able to play with them more..
Fading!W.Bun: *groan* fine..just don't let them near me