I’m old fashioned, I like the Roe v. Wade compromise. Basically, states can choose (if they so desire) to ban abortion after the point of fetal viability, at about 24 weeks. That is, when a fetus has a reasonable likelihood of surviving outside the womb. I don’t believe it’s philosophically just for the state to intrude upon a pregnancy and tell a mother what she must do with her womb before that point.
Some states are using other supposedly significant milestones, like fetal heartbeat, fetal pain, etc. to blow past viability and try to dial the clock back to 12 weeks, or 6 weeks, or earlier, at which point it becomes an effective abortion ban since there’s very little time for a woman to discover she’s pregnant and then make the necessary appointments.
Some states have been allowed to regulate abortion clinics out of existence with death-by-a-thousand-cuts strategies without explicitly banning abortion.
If they had their way, some state legislatures would probably explicitly ban abortion under any circumstances entirely. The question has always been: How far will the Supreme Court let us go? The answer these days is: pretty far indeed.