I have no doctorate degrees here on the wall, but I believe you're entirely correct.
First, it's good news that no one (as I've been able to determine) has died from the omicron variant, except for the fear mongers you mentioned. To them, it's the worst news ever, and an unfolding disaster.
Also, as a virus becomes endemic, it adapts to its hosts, not killing them nearly as often, but spreading much more readily. The hosts, us, adapt to the virus by developing a higher level of immunity. Later variants might kill some people, if a mutation throws them a curve ball their immune systems weren't expecting. Such is life.
But as for the meme, I was suggesting that the people milking the pandemic for political gain, by spreading fear and intimidating people, might be facing the end of this thing.
And again, for all but the fear mongers, and their liberal acolytes, this is a good thing.