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3 ups, 3y,
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Putin and Xi are laughing their asses off rn.
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at conservatives :)
1 up, 3y,
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dude get a f**king life no one here cares what you say XD
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nobody cares what communists say about consevatives at jan 6.

except triggered conservatives :)
1 up, 3y
that definitely made sense.
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1 up, 3y
How many followers does that account have? I bet it's low as hell
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In order to say this, you must have no idea about the history of CPUSA. Founded in 1919, this organization betrayed US information and called themselves Soviets and pledged their allegiance to Stalin, who killed more people than Hitler did. They were all over the New York Times, explaining why they were very supportive of Fidel Castro (who lied about his intentions before becoming the dictator he was) and Che Guevara. Some of these people prided themselves on having personal relationships with and knowing some of these dictators like no other. Dictators some of them knew include Mao Zedong, murderer of around 65 million people, Fidel Castro, the guy who started the whole Venezuela dictatorship, and others.
Matter of fact, one of FDR’s closest advisors was secretly a member of CPUSA and spied on FDR for Stalin.
These things were why some Republicans were trying to arrest these people or kick them out of the country. Liberals, of course, claimed they were “oppressing people for having different opinions.” What they really were doing was attempting to defend their own rights to have their own opinions. Here it is 70 years later, and they may not have succeeded in the long run.
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The only difference is that conservatives are not trying to control the whole country’s thoughts. The only thing they’re afraid of is communism, because it does not allow self-thought. Democrats doing that to conservatives would only mean that you could only be American if you were Democrat. Here is why that would not work:
During the 1900s-1970s, most Democrats were liberals/progressives. They would’ve been more likely to agree with LGBTQ rights and abortion rights. That’s where they differed from conservatives. However, they still loved America. But sometime between the 50s-80s, the left began to take over the Democrat ideas. (They came around here in the 20s and were doing things back then, but the biggest marks began to show later). Nowadays being Democrat simply means being leftist, whether you are aware of it or not. Now, liberals loving the country and supporting rights and freedom actually gives them more in common with conservatives than with leftists. Conservatives were religious and did not support LGBTQ or anything “progressive.” But the left, supporting communism, didn’t like opposition period. This is why #WalkAway even exists; because there are liberals now realizing they have more in common with conservatives than the left, and this is why the Republican party is full of liberals right now. This is hidden from liberals, because obviously the left wants the vote of the liberals. This is also why it’s extremely contradictory for leftists to demand liberals to support them based on freedom from the tradition of religious conservatives, since they themselves are far worse on the topic of freedom.
The reason I am bringing this up is this: there is a difference between many Democrat citizens and pretty much all Democrat politicians these days. If they passed a witch hunt for people who didn’t have the same ideas as them (and history says that Marx followers always do at some point) then Democrats that supported the hunt would be included in the hunt as well. Conservatives doing this would only protect the country from this very thing happening. Believe me, I do not like the idea of witch hunts myself. But do you know the saying, “Give the devil an inch, and he’ll take a mile?” This is exactly how communism works. A little organization of a few people can become a total takeover and lead to a revolution. And by the way, these BLM and Antifa organizations call for revolutions and “ending the American experiment.” These are not liberal ideas.
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I wasn’t referring to citizens there. I was talking about the politicians Democrats are supporting. I’m saying that whether or not Democrat citizens are on the far left or not, the people they’re supporting are very very likely to be on the far left, because they’ve mega-infiltrated the party. I mentioned that many liberals say they’re Democrat because they don’t know this stuff. These Democrat politicians I’m talking about do not like people who are in the center, and thus do not really care for liberals either. This has taken time, however, because if you go back 6-7 decades, there is reason to believe some Democrats were leftists and some weren’t. FDR was Stalin’s puppet until a little bit before he died, when Stalin flat bailed on a deal, although I find it very suspicious that he died right after not trusting Stalin anymore (especially being that his advisor was Stalin’s spy). There is much reason to believe LBJ was leftist. JFK, however, was almost definitely not. I don’t agree with many of his stances, but one thing I really respect about him was that his actions seemed very anti-communist. Once upon a time, Democrat politicians were not like they are now. If they were like they were back then, the country would be far more peaceful (though politics is always somewhat a brawl).
3 ups, 3y
3 ups, 3y,
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tbh, I would support sending communist people who don’t like America to a communist country themselves over jailing them. Then we don’t have to sin. But I do not want communism anywhere near where I live. I know some of the things that have happened under the leadership of some of the people CPUSA supported, and 1) some of them make US slavery seem nice and 2) i won’t mention them because kids are on this site. This was the very stance Ronald Reagan had, so people claiming he’d have to run as a Democrat today is extremely laughable.
One thing I will say is this: A lot of dictators in modern history, no matter political differences, had one thing in common. Marx and Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Zedong, Ho Chi Minh, the Kims, (Hitler was the only one who wasn’t communist, though he did employ many ideas from Marx) all have one thing in common: total hatred for God. Marx and Lenin both grew up in Christian homes and rebelled against their parents. Lenin went to college in Paris (where another communist dictator that grew up Muslim would also learn communism) and absorbed leftism and Darwinism. Stalin raised his fist up to heaven on his death bed. Hitler invented his own commandments and pitted himself over the people the Bible says are God’s people. And all of them were very hostile to all religions, including Muslims. The only reason the left “cares” about muslims rn is because they can be victimized. Give these people power, and they’ll abandon them too.

Also, this must be known by people, and is likely kept from the public on purpose. Stalin instigated World War 2. Hitler would never have been able to invade Poland without Russia’s consent. Stalin knew that Germany attacking Poland would start a war with England, and the last time those two had fought was in World War 1. The purpose of all this? More money for their government, which is what the left and communists have always been about. This was what the Hitler-Stalin Pact was. In 1941, Hitler betrayed Stalin, of course, because both of them had a dream of a united worldwide despotism. Stalin wanted the capital of the whole globe to be Moscow, and Hitler wanted to overtake the whole world and put everyone under German rule. Hitler betraying Stalin had nothing to do with rightism; it had nothing to do with decency or saving the world from Stalin; it only had to do with pure selfishness. It was about “if anyone’s in power, it’s me.” Who wants this kind of leader in the USA?
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Hitler definitely hated God, and Christians suffered persecution under Nazi Germany. There’s some funky stuff going on with the Catholic thing, but long story short, there may have been political corruption/manipulation involved in that. I’ve actually read autobiographies about catholics who had to leave Germany because their religion wasn’t safe there.

Whether that’s true or not is actually irrelevant, but I will note that for all the people who want to claim Trump was in office just to get richer, he is the first president in 60+ years to lose net worth during his tenure. Obama, Bush, and Clinton both saw theirs rise dramatically. If i’m not mistaken, Clinton is the one whose net worth tripled during his tenure.

But to get back to the point. The difference between conservatives and the left is how they distribute money. Communism claims to solve the problem of financial inequality between the rich and poor. It does! By making everyone poor, including the originally rich. People complain about the rich here and how they can be so corrupt (and I have plenty of proof that some of those claims are very true in some circumstances), but in a communist utopia, the only people who keep their richness are the people who either favored by the government, who has all the money, or the people who are corrupt enough to find means to keep it. It reduces all the rich people to the corrupt, and does not give the poor a better chance. It’s like when Sparta destroyed Athens just because their city was nicer. That’s how communists treat an economy, from the perspective of the poor.
Conservatism is about opportunity and developing business or anything else. The government isn’t trying to find millions of excuses to take every cent you own away. They’re actually trying to help the country get more wealthy and create more wealthy people. That’s why we are the “Land of Opportunity.” I don’t make much right now, but I have aspirations to make a name for myself one day. That is barely even possible in a communist setting. Why are we complaining about wealth when our country is by far the richest country on earth and our poor people would be rich in many countries?
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America was founded on Christianity, which is why I said that. We never took initiative to root out Muslims completely here. I never claimed the idea came from the Bible, and I was saying that to compare it with communism and Islam. Where did other religions enter the discussion? I’m not arguing against other religions here, though one could argue Marxism is its own religion.
No, Darwin didn’t write about that, and I didn’t say he did. However, both Marx and Darwin’s books were based on the presupposition that God could not exist. What I said was that the growth of communism was affected by Darwin’s writings, and that is not up for debate.
No, it’s not a misunderstanding. I never said Darwin was the sole reason for the growth of communism. I said it played a part. Like I mentioned earlier, adherence to leftism/Marxism begins with refusal of God. Lenin absorbed leftism and Darwinism in college. So he got the scientific arguments to ditch God, and the ideas of Marxism were then more acceptable.
Yes, but there is a difference between not believing in God and being angry at Him. Some atheist scientists seem more pissed off with God than doubtful of His existence.
0 ups, 3y
Hitler wanted to completely control community life in his utopia, and the church, whether Catholic or Lutheran, was no exception.
Yea, but that’s the point. Dreams are worthless in a communist utopia. There is little opportunity because no one is allowed to financially succeed.
That misses the point. And since this is the land of opportunity, there are not many situations where someone is flat out unable to be successful without having gotten in their own way. With communism, the system gets in everyone’s way.
Deporting them would be giving them what they want. They want to live in a communist country, so be it. But they don’t get to make the whole darn globe communist slyly and quietly just because Stalin failed to do it by force.
I never said the US is perfect. There are problems here. But what I’m talking about is people complaining about the most successful system in history and demanding one of the worst systems in history as a solution. That’s just ridiculous.
There were times in Spain where Christians were persecuted for not being the “correct type of Christians.” However, that has not been always done, and certainly has not been done any time recently. Also, I was talking about the USA. But since you’re so determined to compare christianity to communism, I will mention this. The core belief of Christianity has never been about killing opposition, despite what some mideval Christians did. This is why some Christians would behave that way, and not others. This is unlike the Quran, which has a verse about killing non-believers. And Marxism, of course, is about killing dissenters, which is why they are always killed no matter the leader. Matter of fact, regardless of dissenters, communist revolutions always begin with killing sprees, which never happened under Christian leadership.
And we “fell to atheism” because Darwinists conspired to take over education, and the way they did it was very manipulative. You see, Marxism starts with the denial of there even being a possibility of God existing. Remove God from the popular belief, and Marxism will take its root in the popular belief far more easily.
4 ups, 3y
Yes, they’d probably be harmed in the other country rather than here. However, they would be wishing that upon themselves. They want to be under the actual idea that really knows how to torture people, and complain about the system here. Shouldn’t they get what they want? (By the way, I am not including dupes in this grouping; that would be downright cruel because they wouldn’t know what they’re getting into. I am only talking about people who know exactly what they are doing).

Christianity will never be anything like communism. As you can see right now, a country founded on Christian beliefs can fall to atheism because they don’t outlaw it. And I have never suggested that they should outlaw atheism. Do you know that in the Cultural Revolution, people were persecuted for speculations that they might be rightist? In North Korea, the government lies to the people and says they’re the only happy country and everyone else is miserable. The majority of the oldest generation knows better, but will not say anything to their own kids because it is not allowed and will result in very brutal punishment. So that question is like comparing apples and oranges. Mosques are allowed in “christian countries”, but churches get burned in communist countries.

The point I was making is that they all follow the same thing Marx believed: that since God couldn’t exist, man must play God. And they all sure played that part to the best of their ability. And by “best” I mean “to the most control they could,” not “accurate”.

Darwinism was what caused Lenin to abandon God, and thus what caused him to be what he was. And without the Bolshevik Revolution, Stalin wouldn’t have inherited the communist empire he did. Which means Russia’s whole communist empire exploding was a direct result from belief in Darwin’s ideas. To be honest, Darwin’s publishing strengthened things Marx was already saying. And many other communist dictatorships (China and North Korea, for example) were Russia-fueled. That’s why I brought up Darwinism. It played a part in igniting a massive communist dictatorship, which then had domino effects on several other countries.

No, Hitler probably wasn’t atheist; neither are many others who hate God. People who hate God love to decide they don’t believe He exists, which is not entirely atheist. It’s more like Satanism. Stalin called himself atheist but raised his fist to heaven on his death bed. That’s not something you do to a God you don’t believe exists.
3 ups, 3y
3 ups, 3y

I'll bet you were fine with the Obama admin going after conservative groups.

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