If you absolutely have to come out, then you should say something to pin it all on them if they insult you or something. The best way is to say something like “The moment you had me, you took up a responsibility of raising me and helping me through problems, and this is a time when I need you to throw personal opinion out the window. I want to look more feminine, I don’t care what you think, if you won’t let me look more feminine is it really taking care of what I need, or is it clouded by your opinions towards LGBTQ?” I wouldn’t consider coming out unless if you feel like you’re stuck and are having serious emotional problems from it. Odds are your parents would still hate you if you came out like this, but you know your parents better, so you could probably form an explanation and almost like a forced acceptance based on what type of people they are and what type of things they listen to, but they could also be parents that don’t listen to their children, so I really don’t know