Failed everywhere! Why, what am I doing supporting an ideology that fails everywhere it’s been tried and goes against human nature?
I don’t think there’s really any question as to whether communism works or not, we clearly know that it does. Communistic societies existed long before Marx and we know from Kropotkin that cooperation, the communistic practice of mutual aid, is how species survive and the best organized species are the fittest to survive.
We also have modern day examples, like the Zapatistas that I mentioned. Their uprising happened on January 1, 1994, and they still possess about half of the land of Chiapas, operating on a democratic, decentralized “governmental” structure, co-operative farms and so on. They have produced an environment favorable to the indigenous people of the region, for gay and lesbians, for women and all comrades. Studies show they provide medical services to their residents better than the capitalist Mexican government, even running water is more accessible to the Zapatistas.