You should pay more attention in your eighth grade civics class. Might not be your fault, they're probably too busy teaching CRT and don't have time to teach the important stuff. I'll try to break it down for you in terms that even you can understand.
Boebert serves in the House of Representatives. There are 435 members in the House. Each representative represents a district. These districts are proportioned by the total population of the U.S. and then the states. Colorado has seven districts and, therefore, seven representatives. Therefore, as I hope you can see by now, Boebert does not represent the entire state, just her district. (I live in Colorado, but not in her district. I'd vote for her if I could.)
There are seven states that only have one representative (Alaska, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, and Delaware). As you can see, Colorado is not one of those states.