Name: Reiko Shiba
Ultimate: Actor
Age: 15-ish (she says she lost count)
Likes: Mysteries, Kamari, Musicals, Anime (mostly ones she's voiced in)
Dislikes: P3d0ph1l3s (reason explained later *but you can prbly guess*), Alcohol, Heights
Weaknesses: being touched without warning/permission, ADHD, light and sound sensitivity (shine a flashlight in her eyes and she'll literally fall on the floor. it's really ironic because when you're on stage the spotlight is directly on you)
Status: Despair (manipulated), Alive
Name: Kamari Nekozawa
Ultimate: Producer
Age: 15
Likes: Cats, floofy dresses (though he wouldn't be caught dead wearing one), trust
Dislikes: Liars, bullies, the fact that you can't take photos off the internet, being called pet names
Weaknesses: betrayal, "funny" pranks, people sneaking up on him/hiding around the corner and scaring him, being a total klutz
Status: Protagonist, Alive
(picture of them'll be posted soon!)
Kamari: wh-what's going on?!