STAR FOX: Video-Game Franchises Briefly Summarized
(By SimoTheFinlandized - 2021 CE)
The game STAR FOX takes place in a fictional solar
system called the Lylat system, which is inhabited by
anthropomorphic animal species such as foxes, frogs,
birds, rabbits, and apes. It contains the planets
Corneria and Venom, representing good and evil,
respectively. Andross, an evil scientist, fled to the planet
Venom after being banished from Corneria, and
declared war on the latter, unleashing an enormous
army to wreak havoc on the Lylat System. General
Pepper, the commanding officer of Corneria's defense
force, dispatches a prototype high-performance fighter
aircraft called the "Arwing". However, lacking in time to
train pilots for the new aircraft, he summons the elite
mercenary team Star Fox to defeat Andross. Fox
McCloud, the leader of the team, is accompanied by his
teammates, Falco Lombardi, Peppy Hare, and Slippy