This is all verifiable fact. The mainstream media won't tell you this. YouTube, Facebook and Twitter will ban this knowledge from ever getting out.
Fauci has become one of the most well paid doctors in U.S. history over this pandemic.
None of what I am saying implies malice but it sure looks like it. Gain of function research is typically thought of as preventative attempts to thwart a virus mutating on its own to infect humans. However, in this case the original virus would not infect humans or mice regardless of how many times they tried to mutate it. It was only when the spliced it with a coronavirus that they were able to successfully transmit that virus into humans. So they had to way out of the way of any normal viral mutation just to make it infect humans. Why?
The vaccine is designed to attack only one of the proteins on the SAR-CoV-2 virus. This is why people still get COVID even though they have had the vaccine and even booster shots. If the coronavirus mutates and no longer has that protein that the vaccine looks for then the vaccine is utterly useless.
That is why it is not a true vaccine. True vaccines are inert or weakened samples of the active virus. The body develops anti-bodies for ALL proteins on the sample virus so it knows how to fight the real thing.
The COVID vaccine does not do that.
My co-worker's wife is a nurse in a local hospital. She told him that roughly 80% of all COVID patients they are seeing have had the vaccine. This is just one hospital and it could be unique here but when you consider that more people have died from COVID AFTER the vaccine was made available than before it makes you think why are they pushing it so hard?
Money. Plain and simple. There are people who stand and have made fortunes from this pandemic.