Just because they might not like you back doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. As Pink says, “Where there is desire there is gonna be a flame, where there is a flame someone’s bound to get hurt. But just because it burns doesn’t mean you’re gonna die, you gotta get up and try, try, try.” I feel that the heart is a compass. It can be hard to follow, but it always leads you the right direction. The problem is, go the wrong way, and you might get so lost as to render your final destiny unreachable. I say, ask her out. See what happens. If she doesn’t want to, not like she’s gonna hate you or anything. My grandma and grandpa are divorced, but they’re still friendly at family gatherings. If it doesn’t work out, she’ll probably still be your friend. And if you don’t feel comfortable with making a decision this soon, wait. Not like your life is going anywhere yet, there’s still a good few years before it picks up the pace. That’s what I tried to do. I kinda regret it, because I’m seventh grade I had a hardcore crush on an enby, but I didn’t act because I knew them as a female for so long and thought that was influencing me. This was also a year before I came out as trans, and discovered I can like men and enbies. I waited mainly because I didn’t know if I was a cishet, but I have a new crush and I think he likes me back, and I also might be able to rekindle my old feelings. This could go either way, I’ll see what happens.
But still, I say tell her how you feel. Just have a leisurely conversation about it, and don’t press her. If she wants to keep it friend level, make it easy for her to, but don’t hesitate to jump at the chance of a date. Unless, as another option, you want to wait a month or so, for them to get their feelings more solidified, and then ask them out.