I know everyone is gonna hate me for saying this but these covid restrictions have gone on long enough. I think it's very unreasonable of the government to put us through so much bureaucracy on our basic freedom of movement. In 2020, I learned to not take my basic freedom of movement for granted. A lot of people frown upon me for believing in freedom and opposing big government but really, why should one's freedom be such a controversial issue? I believe I have every reason to oppose tyranny because people are badly suffering from having their freedom and livelihood taken away, suffering from mental health issues, domestic abuse and even deaths from drug overdose and suicide. Also, throughout history, taking away people's freedom is how all the human rights abuses, oppression and atrocities happened. I am inclined care to about people's well-being and livelihood and address whatever issue is causing them suffer regardless of what the factors are, whether it is suffering in poverty from being rent gouged by vulture landlords, being exploited for low-wage slave labor by tyrant employers or in this case, big government having total control over everyone, bossing and bullying everyone around just because it can. Before all this, I would address issues such as homeless and poverty caused by vulture landlords and employers refusing to pay the worker a livable wage and I would get hate and harassment from right-wing libertarian trolls, these days I address issues regarding the covid restrictions that are causing people to suffer and I now I get hate and harassment from pro-lockdown leftists. I don't see why we have to live in fear and tyranny forever, diseases come into existence and we recover from them. The Spanish Flu pandemic happened but we recovered from it and went back to living our lives without fear. The Spanish Flu infected over 500 million worldwide, covid has currently infected 242 million worldwide and we live in a day and age of highly advanced modern medicine, much more advanced than 100 years ago so there is no reason for us to live in fear forever. Norway and Denmark have recently lifted their covid restrictions and are back to normal, I don't see why other parts of the world can't either.