Article 1- President
Section 1: A President must be elected every 2 months during the last 2 days of the month. Candidates must have a running mate prior to the vote. The candidate with the most votes at the end of voting will be inaugurated the following day, on the first of the month.
Section 2: The President will be given moderator of the stream, and is not to be revoked unless convicted of a crime through impeachment. They are permitted to retain their moderator status after they leave office unless convicted of a crime through impeachment.
Section 3: A President may only hold office for two terms in a year, consecutive or non-consecutive. For example, if a President serves a two month term from November 1st to December 31st, then serves another term from January 1st to February 28th or 29th, they cannot serve another term until next November. If a President serves a November-December term and then a March-April term, they can serve another term next November-December, but must wait until the next March-April term to serve again.
Section 4: The President shall enforce stream rules as necessary.
Section 5: The President may appoint advisors to help enforce stream rules. This is not necessary, though it is helpful. The advisors enforce stream rules as necessary, but they hold no power.
Article 2: Vice President
Section 1: The VP shall be elected as the president’s running mate.
Section 2: The VP shall have mod, but only as long as their term lasts.
Section 3: If the president has deleted, gone missing, resigned, or is otherwise unable to perform their duties, the VP shall act as the Acting President. Or the President shall let the stream know if they are going to be inactive on certain dates, so the VP shall step in immediately. The HOC becomes the new acting VP; Congress appoints a new HOC.
Article 3: Head of Congress
Section 1: The HOC is granted mod privileges for the duration of their term
Section 2: The HOC is responsible for organizing Congressional sessions at least once a week to discuss and propose new laws.
Section 3: The HOC shall be the tiebreaker when required for a Congress vote
Section 4: In the case where both the President and Vice President are deleted, missing, or otherwise unable to perform their duties, the HOC will become the new acting President. The HOS will become their Vice President. Congress will vote to confirm a new HOC and the Senate will vote to confirm a new HOS.