HBU: https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2020/01/23/trumps-claim-about-saving-hbcus-was-false-his-administration-has-largely-backed
Releasing minorities:
So... misleading at best.
Though, he was telling "The Squad" to go back and fix their own country... though all but one of them were born in the US. Racist rhetoric that traces back to the Klu Klux Klan.
Also, he characterized entire populations of migrants as largely drug addicts, rapists, and murderers with "some" good people.
He also took a "Everyone is fine" here approach with the Charlottesville riot which was spurred by a neo-nazi group protesting some sort of white replacement theory with Jews...? "Jews will not replace us." And to this, Trump said there were fine people on both sides. So, he's saying that the people that sided with these guys were fine people. Yeah, no.
I applaud your ability to keep track of events and monitor Trump's achievements, but you need to look beyond what he claims, and follow the results of what happened.