What kind of a vaccine does your government have to pay you to get into your body LOL
🤡 🌎 They know it!!! Never did that for the flu shot and all those people dying every year from flu and doctors weren’t all well I’m not going to see anyone In the ER because they have flu and that kills people and they didn’t get their shot! LOL This happens and all of a sudden it’s YOU GET A CAR AND YOU GET A PAID VACATION TO ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD AND YOU GET TO GO TO COLLEGE PAID FOR AND YOU GET FREE RENT AND HERE IS CHECKS FOR EVERYONE AND GIFT CARDS AND FREE GIVEAWAYS AND STICKERS LMAO.... MONEY AND THINGS TO PLEASE LIKE US WHILE WE DESTROY LIFE AS YOU ALL KNOW IT MUAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Houston we have a problem 😎
1984 🤔
Let us not forget - Show us your papers -
No papers no food no roof over head no job .. wait a min!!!!!!!!!!!! 1940s 🤫 but they won’t EVEN talk about that cause soon as ANYTHING is brought up they automatically focus their attention on the unvaccinated. 🤡 🌎