There is one definitive charastic of a Saved person and that is the knowlegge that they are a sinner, bound for separation from G-d for all Eternity, and personally accept the sacrifice of Christ on the cross as the full payment for their sin.
A Saved, a person can strive to be a Christian (little Christs), a disciple (a follower of Christ) and a wittness to His Saving Grace.
Joining or being born into a denomination does not make you a Christian. That is not to say there are no Christians in those denominations, only that adherance to denominational dogma makes no one a Christian. The denominations that claim they do are DEFINITELY not Christian.
I am Saved by the cleansing power of the Blood of Jesus Christ and that is my only claim to Eternity. I try to be more Christlike, but fail every miserably day.