HCP= Holy Crusader Party.
My preferred choice is for you to come over to Imgflip Meming, a party mainly for Centrists but welcomes people from all zones of the political compass, except for far Auth lefts (commies) and far Auth rights (nazis and fascists). We support Free Speech, a reformation of Congress and banning of ‘rubber stamp’ Congresses.
If you want to know your political compass place, take the SapplyValues quiz. https://sapplyvalues.github.io/
Here are where the existing parties stand on the compass.
IMP (Imgflip Meming Party or my party): Centrism
RUP (Right Unity Party): Authoritarian Right
HCP (Holy Crusader Party): Rightism
Nerd Party (Nice Enlightened Republicans and Democrats Party): Leftism
Pepe Party: Authoritarian Left….. actually, idfk what ideology Pepe Party is. Libertarian Right? Authoritarian Right? Libertarian Left? IDFK!
CSP (Common Sense Party): Libertarian
Republican Party: Rightism
Steel Party: Authoritarian Right
Authoritarian Party: Authoritarian Right
Lardar’s Party: Centrism
Wubbzy’s Party: Libertarian Right