I do agree with the left that Denmark's strong welfare programs have improved the quality of life there and prevented everyone from being badly screwed into poverty however there are some facts that the left leave out when it comes to their arguments for Nordic social democracy. What works in Europe may not always work in America, the U.S. and Denmark are two very different countries, Demark is significantly smaller than America, Denmark also has a very homogenous population, much stricter on immigration than America is, another issue is how such welfare programs would be implemented in America. America is sinking in trillions of debt so America really can't afford strong welfare programs at this point, countries with universal healthcare, etc. have had their systems well-developed for years. If America tried to implement a universal healthcare system, it would take years to develop, you can't expect to have healthcare immediately overnight, Rome wasn't built in a day, even Demark didn't have the easiest time implementing it's welfare programs at first. Also even though strong welfare programs do improve people's quality of life as well as the overall economy, welfare programs aren't always the solution to everything, if you have so many people living off government programs for a very long time, eventually the government runs out of money when people are not going to work and not generating the wealth needed to afford these programs. The main thing that gives us our economy and our quality of life is our jobs from the private sector. The our jobs in the capitalist private sector are what gives us our wages that we need to live on, generate the wealth of our economy that supports us and our quality of life, the very wealth that is used to fund the welfare programs. I am for strong welfare programs but still, the very thing that is responsible for our quality of life is the private sector we work in to generate the wealth.