Article 6: Senate
Section 1: The Senate shall be formed of at least 15 members. Anyone is welcome to join the Senate if they so wish as long as they have their paperwork in order, have obtained a free voter ID from the Imgflip DMV, and have been elected or appointed by a stream to represent them. No government stream including IMGFLIP_PRESIDENTS, political party stream, or stream that provides a service to PRESIDENTS such as IMGFLIP_BANK or IMGFLIP_DMV may appoint a Senator.
Section 2: The Senate shall propose and vote on rules for the stream. A simple majority will pass normal bills, and the bill is sent to Congress. If it passes Congress, the President will either enact it, or veto it. If the bill is vetoed, then a 2/3 supermajority joint session of Congress and the Senate will override the veto and the veto becomes law.
Section 3: A 2/3 supermajority is required separately in both Congress and the Senate and a Presidential enactment for constitutional amendments.
Section 4: If the Senate fails to recruit 15 members, the Vice President may appoint the required amount of members.
Section 5: In case of a tie, the HOS casts the tie breaking vote.
Article 7: Owner
Section 1: The Owner shall be responsible for holding elections and transfers of power. They also act as the Judicial branch of the government.
Section 2: To appoint a new Owner, a current Owner must send a nomination to a joint session of Congress and Senate. If a 2/3 majority is reached, they go to the President to be either be confirmed or vetoed. If a 2/3 majority isn't reached or the President vetoes it, the proposal is tabled, although Congress may revote on the nomination if they so wish.
Article 8: Impeachment
Section 1: In order to remove a person in power, 2 Officials (President, VP, HOC, Member of Congress, HOS, or Senator) must call for an impeachment, what offense was committed, and who is responsible. A trial shall then be held by one of the Stream Owners and after giving their verdict Congress shall vote, with a ⅔ supermajority required to impeach.
Section 2: If a President, Vice President, HOC, or HOS was the official impeached, they are stripped of their mod powers and are not allowed to run again for any political office for six months.