An Epic Ethnographic Biopic
(By SimoTheFinlandized - 2021 CE)
Indigenous Australians, also known
as Aboriginal Australians, are the native
people of Australia. Indigenous Australians
used weapons like boomerangs, sticks
and spears to kill animals for food and
many more. It is unknown where they
came from and how they appeared in
Australia but it is estimated they have
been habitants to their homeland for
around 60,000 years ago or more.
Aboriginal people also have their own type
of art. Many Indigenous Australians
suffered when Europeans from Britain and
Ireland arrived in Australia. Disease and
the loss of their hunting lands are two of
the reasons.
The first people of Australia were a
semi-nomadic tribal hunter-gatherer
people who came to the continent of
Australia from southeast Asia.
Scientists do not know exactly when
they arrived, but it is believed to be at
least 50,000 years ago. They travelled
throughout the bush, hunting with
spears and boomerangs (throwing
sticks) for animals and searching
for food such as plants, grubs, and
insects. They had few possessions
and made everything that they needed
and wanted. This way of life does not
change nor harm the fragile
environment of Australia.
The overall well-being of the land and
its plants and animals are vital and sacred
to the Aboriginal people.
Aborigines also have a very
unique way of telling their history. They
use a vast oral-tradition of various
songs, stories, and dances
that are passed down orally
and through elaborate art,
music, and dance of varying kinds
from generation to generation. When the
British came to Australia in 1788, they
called these native people “Aboriginals”,
meaning 'people who had lived there since
the earliest times'. Today their
numbers are increasing (according
to data from censuses). There
are now about 650,000 Aborigines living in
Australia. Most live in cities, but a few
thousand still follow a traditional way of
Aboriginal Australians fervently
believe that they have a vast
consortium of animal, plant, and human
ancestors who created the world and
everything in it. This process of
the ongoing creation is called the
Dreamtime. There are many
sophisticated Aboriginal dances, songs,
and stories about the Dreamtime, which is
said to be "outside of time", "everywhen",
or "all-at-once time", with countless
generations of Aboriginal people having
passed it all down to their children
over the millennia. They also
believe that when someone dies they
get a new life as an animal, plant, or
another person.
The art of the Indigenous Australians is
mostly about dreamtime and is made as
part of the ceremonies celebrating
Dreamtime. Paintings of the people,
spirits, and animals of Dreamtime cover
sacred cliffs and rocks in tribal territories.
Some of the pictures are made in red and
yellow ochre and white clay - others have
been carved into the rocks. Many are
thousands of years old.
Most aboriginal Australian live in cities
& towns. Some Aboriginal-Australians
have greatly benefited from
education-&-training and other types of
aid programmes and now have
highly-affluent careers as
teachers, doctors and lawyers.
Many other Aboriginal Australians,
though, are rather very
socioeconomically poor in
both status and money,
not to mention quite isolated
from the mainstream white Australian
society. They have lost touch with
traditional Aboriginal-Australian
tribal ways, and because they
do not fit neatly into white
Australian society, they cannot
share in its benefits.
As well as the curved returning
boomerang, Aboriginal Australians use a
straight, non-returning boomerang as a
weapon for fighting and for hunting
animals such as kangaroos.
When British people came to live
in Australia, they decided that the land
was empty: that nobody "owned" the
land, in the way Europeans used that
word. This was called "terra nullius",
Latin words for "empty land". Under
British law, all land belongs to the king,
who is then able to sell it to other people.
In 1976, the Australian government
agreed that Aboriginal people have
rights to the land where their tribes were
originally located and gained the right to
use the land. On 3 June, 1992, the High
Court of Australia said that the idea of
"terra nullius" was wrong, and the
government brought in new laws to set up
Native Title. If Aborigines can prove they
have always used particular land, it has
not been sold, or changed by government
acts, then the land could be claimed as
Aboriginal-Australian land.