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The History Of The Star Wars Galaxy (Legends) {By SimoTheFinlandized - (c) 2021 CE}

The History Of The Star Wars Galaxy (Legends) {By SimoTheFinlandized - (c) 2021 CE} | ===========================================
(Written By SimoTheFinlandized - (c) 2021 CE)
Some thirteen billion years before the Battle Of Yavin, 
an immense cloud of gas and dust collapsed under its
own gravity and coalesced to form a revolving disk, 
creating the galaxy. Over many more billions of years, 
the stars and planets began to form. By 5,000,000,000 
BBY, life had begun to evolve in the galaxy, with some 
of the earliest examples of non-sentient life developing 
on the planet Goroth Prime. Around 2,000,000 BBY, 
many of the galaxy's most well-known species were 
evolving: the Wookiees began on Kashyyyk as a species 
of tree-climbers. The Oracle Of Pelgrin, quite possibly the 
oldest artifact in the galaxy, was believed to date from this 
period. By 200,000 BBY, the Zhell, ancient ancestors to the 
Humans, had developed an advanced stellar fusion-age 
civilization and were waging war against the near-human 
Taungs for control of their mutual homeworld of Notron, 
later known as Coruscant.
By 100,000 BBY, a mysteriously ancient yet extremely 
highly-advanced race known as the Celestials dominated 
the entire galaxy. Also known as the Architects, this 
spectacularly powerful Force-Sensitive race was believed 
to have been capable of manipulating and moving the 
very stars: surviving Celestial machinery like Centerpoint 
Station and the Cosmic Turbine could manipulate gravity 
on a titanic scale with repulsor pulses, tractor beams, and 
hyperspace wormholes. With this technology, the Celestials 
were believed to have been responsible for building the 
Corellian system, the Vultar system, and at least 15 other 
star systems, as well as the Hapes Cluster, the Kathol Rift, 
and the Maw black hole cluster. Pre-Republic specialists 
believed the Celestials to also be responsible for the 
hyperspace disturbance beyond the edge of the galaxy, 
possibly as a defense against outside interference. They 
were also believed to be responsible for the chain of 
hyperspace anomalies west of the Core that bisected 
the galaxy and prevented travel into the Unknown Regions. 
Speculation holds that the Celestials had crafted the hyperspace 
anomalies that bisected the galaxy in order to contain the 
Rakata's Infinite Empire. A number of other advanced 
space-faring races around this time became servants 
and clients of the Celestials. The insectile Killiks of 
Alderaan were exploited as laborers and were seeded 
across the galaxy, until around 30,000 BBY when they 
disappeared into the west of the galaxy and into the 
Unknown Regions, presumably relocated by the Celestials. 
The Kwa and Gree species made use of FTL-space-travel 
structures known as the Infinity Gates and Hypergates, 
respectively, to travel between planets and star-systems, 
and thus came into territorial conflict with each other. 
Other advanced species fled to escape the Celestials: 
the Sharu Civilization of the Rafa system located far in 
the galactic east had a brief period of expansion, 
spreading their iconic plastic pyramid cities as far into 
the Core as Aargau, but this may have attracted the 
attention of the Celestials and the Sharu thus buried 
their great pyramid-cities and sought refuge in primitivism 
in order to escape them. Likewise, the Columi of the planet 
Columus made surveys of both the Humans and the Duros 
in the Core Region and were unimpressed by what they found, 
but also fled back to their homeworld, perhaps to avoid 
retribution from the Celestials.
Around 35,000 BBY, the domain of the Celestials was 
usurped when the imperialist Dark-Force-sensitive 
Rakata slave race revolted. Stealing both very highly-
advanced technology and the knowledge of utilizing 
the Force from the Kwa Civilization, they waged war 
against the many other servant races, and broke through 
the barrier surrounding the Unknown Regions into the 
galaxy proper and waged a war of complete extermination 
upon the Celestials. The eventual fate of the Celestials was 
unclear. They may have been trapped inside the galaxy by
their barrier and destroyed by the Rakata slave-revolt, or 
they may have escaped through the barrier. By 30,000 BBY, 
the Celestials were nowhere to be found, and the Rakata's 
Infinite Empire had taken center stage. The newly-arisen 
advanced space-faring Rakata species fanned out from 
their homeworld of Lehon in the Tempered Wastes of the 
Unknown Regions, using FTL hyperdrives that channelled 
the power of the Force to guide them to worlds with strong 
Force signatures. The Infinite Empire occupied a considerable 
scattering of systems across the galaxy, but very vast tracts 
of territory between these holdings remained untouched, 
allowing smaller interstellar confederations to flourish. 
The Devaronians and the Gossam experimented with the 
tumble hyperdrive and scouted to explore the galaxy, and 
while worlds like Coruscant, Corellia and Duro were occupied 
by the Rakata, the native-species of the Humans, Duros, 
Selonians and Drall were able to study the principles of 
the Rakatan FTL force-hyperdrive. The Rakata proved to be 
exceedingly cruel masters, consigning entire subject 
populations to bitter slavery. After nearly five thousand 
years of dominance, the Rakata-ruled Infinite Empire 
collapsed after a devastating plague swept through the
Empire that stripped the Rakata of their ability to use the 
Force. A massive colonial slave revolt finished off the empire 
by 25,200 BBY.
The decline of the Infinite Empire coincided with the 
reverse-engineering and perfection of Rakata hyperdrive 
technology by the other species of the galaxy. Developing 
technological replacements to its Force-based components, 
various advanced space-faring species struck out from their 
homeworlds, first with slower-than-light sleeper-ship colonies, 
followed by the development of the rather unpredictable 
hyperspace cannon. Through this re-use of Rakatan castoffs, 
a number of civilizations asserted themselves: the Humans and 
Duros dominated the Galactic Core, while the cetacean Herglics 
built up their own trade empire to the south. On the Rim, Human 
sleeper-ship colonies formed the Tionese civilization, which was 
united into a single powerful empire by a Tionese warlord named 
Xim The Despot, before coming into conflict with the empire of 
the kleptocratic mafia-style slug-like Hutts. This period coincided 
with the beginning of the Jedi Order on the planet Tython with its 
studies of the Force, as well as the religious rivalry between 
understandings of the light and dark sides of the Force. 
Conflict between the Jedi and the Dark Jedi would assert 
itself several times throughout galactic history, a cycle that 
would continue beyond the Yuuzhan-Vong War. In 25,000 BBY, 
in the aftermath of the Unification Wars, the various highly-advanced 
space-faring planetary-states of the Core assembled on the 
city-planet of Coruscant and signed the Galactic Constitution, 
establishing a civilization under a common law, language and 
currency, proclaiming the Galactic Republic. The Republic 
united the largely-Human Core Worlds, and the Core-World 
Founders included prominent political players like Coruscant 
/ Alsakan / Corellia / Duro / Kuat / Alderaan, powerful 
military-strongholds like the Azure Imperium based on
Axum / Anaxes / Esseles / Rendili, emerging commercial 
hubs like Tepasi / Brentaal IV / Humbarine, and worlds 
important to the medical, diplomatic and philosophical 
arts, like Chandrila / Caamas / Rhinnal / Shawken.
The Expansionist Era coincided with the foundation of the 
Galactic Republic and saw the beginnings of the official 
charting and settlement of much of the galaxy's eastern 
spiral. Scouts pushing east from Coruscant moved up two 
trade routes, the Perlemian Trade Route and the Corellian Run, 
which formed the boundaries of a vast wedge of space known 
as "the Slice". At the end of the Corellian Run lay Kalarba, a 
trade hub maintained by the merchants of Paqwepori, while 
the Perlemian led to the trade worlds of Tirahnn, Nouane, and 
Roche. No similar corridors were found to the galactic west, 
which resulted in much of that quadrant of the galaxy remaining 
unexplored and mysterious, becoming known as the Unknown 
Regions. This expansion saw the Galactic Republic come into
 conflict with the advanced space-faring Human civilizations of 
the Tion Cluster. After its victory in 24,000 BBY, the Galactic 
Republic swelled with more territory than it could initially 
govern as many systems clamored for protection against the 
depredations of the Hutt Domains.
The Great Manifest Period began in 20,000 BBY with the 
widespread settling of the eastern Slice, with the dense 
web of star-systems at its tip becoming known as the 
Arrowhead. This region became heavily-dominated by 
Coruscant while Corellia dominated settlement around 
the Corellian Run. Rivalry between Coruscant and Alsakan 
over policy on the Perlemian Trade Route sparked the First 
Alsakan Conflict in 17,000 BBY, the start of the Indecta Era, 
and though peace would be brokered between the two, the 
Alsakan Conflicts would continue in an abbreviated form for 
some 14,000 years. The first five Alsakan Conflicts also 
discouraged settlement along the Perlemian, pushing 
colonists to the Corellian Hegemony in the Trailing Sectors
along the Corellian Run and the growing Corellian Trade Spine.
The Kymoodon Era, opening in 15,000 BBY, ushered another 
colonization boom on par with the Great Manifest Period. 
Improvements in the hyperdrive allowed many odd pockets 
of colonization to spring up in the unexplored northern and 
southern quadrants, and the Herglic Trade Empire joined the 
Republic, beginning a surge in development around the 
Hidakai Pool, which would become the Rimma Trade 
Route. However, the era stored up the seeds for future 
conflict, as the Republic's borders increasingly abutted 
those of Hutt Space, leaving isolated colonies open to 
raids by Hutt slavers. 
Widespread resentment of the Hutt Empire on the Rim was 
tapped by a statesman named Contispex I and the 
humanocentric Pius-Dea religious sect to begin a series 
of Crusades against the Hutts in 12,000 BBY. The millennia-long 
Pius Dea Era would see many non-Human species conquered, 
persecuted, or exterminated until the Contispex political-dynasty 
was overthrown by the Jedi Order, and would foment extreme 
resentment among the species of the Rim. The subsequent 
Ductavis Era and Rianitus Period from 11,000-8000 BBY would
be periods of retrenchment and rebuilding following the 
The Subterra Period of 8000-7000 BBY saw new mapping 
of the galactic southern quadrant, with colonies such as 
Malastare serving as anchors for the tangles of praediums 
that linked the region. Scouts also penetrated the Rishi Maze 
around this time. However, the lack of a super-hyperroute into 
the southern quadrant and the new colonies' general inaccessibility 
promoted lawlessness in the Rim and limited Coruscant's authority,
which was believed to have contributed to the Second Great 
Schism of the Jedi Order in 7003 BBY, beginning a galaxy-wide 
uprising of Dark Jedi known as the Hundred-Year Darkness. In 
the war's aftermath, the defeated Dark Jedi were exiled beyond 
the Rim into the unexplored space north of the Perlemian. There, 
the Exiles settled the worlds of Korriban and Ziost within the 
Stygian Caldera, where they dominated the native Sith and 
established an empire.
During the Manderon Period, the Corellian Trade Spine and the 
Rimma Trade Route were established in 5500 BBY after the 
Herglics, Givin and Corellians linked together hundreds of 
pre-existing praediums, improving access to the southern 
quadrant. In 5000 BBY, the Sith Empire was rediscovered by 
the Republic, beginning the Great Hyperspace War when the 
Sith Lord Naga Sadow attempted to conquer the Republic. 
The Sith were defeated and once again driven into exile, but 
it was the beginning of a threat that would trouble the Republic 
for the remainder of its existence. A thousand years later in 
4000 BBY, Sith teachings discovered on Korriban and Onderon 
enticed the Jedi Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma to the dark side, 
beginning the Great Sith War. The Sith's alliance with the 
Mandalorians, a group of warrior-nomads descended from the 
Taungs, in that war would prove to be the genesis of another 
threat to the Republic with the Mandalorian Wars. The Republic 
endured nearly fifty years of almost continuous fighting known 
as the Old Sith Wars as a result of Exar Kun until the Sith Empire 
was destroyed in 3950 BBY by the redeemed Sith Lord Revan.
By 3700 BBY, the galaxy had been charted and settled as far 
as Farana in the north and Malastare in the south, but much 
of the northern and southern quadrants beyond the trade 
routes remained unsettled. At that time, however, the 
Brentaal-born explorer Freia Kallea extended the ancient 
Brentaal–Denon Route and linked several pre-exisiting 
praediums. By 3693 BBY, she had expanded the trade 
routes south of Denon as far as Imynusoph, mapping 
the full length of the Hydian Way, the only super-hyperroute 
to span the length of the galaxy. The ease with which vessels 
could now reach the northern and southern quadrants greatly 
expanded the Republic's footprint into the New Territories and 
the Western Reaches and opened up countless new sources 
of minerals, crystals and gases. From 3681-3642 BBY, however, 
the Republic endured decades of war and tension with a 
resurgent Sith Empire formed by exiles from the Great 
Hyperspace War, led by the Sith Emperor Vitiate. A 
second Galactic War broke out between the two in 
3642 BBY, and chaos reigned until the Sith Emperor's 
redoubt of the Eternal Empire was defeated.
In the wars' aftermath, the galaxy enjoyed several centuries of 
relative prosperity, which ended in 2000 BBY with the dawn of the 
Draggulch Period and the start of the New Sith Wars when the 
Jedi Master Phanius proclaimed himself Darth Ruin. In the 
ensuing millennium of fighting between the Republic and 
the New Sith, the Republic almost collapsed, culminating in the 
Republic Dark Age in the final century, when the Republic's 
authority effectively ceased to exist beyond the major trade 
routes and the HoloNet communications network ceased to 
function. The New Sith Wars finally ended when the Army of 
Light led by the Jedi Lord Hoth defeated Skere Kaan's 
Brotherhood of Darkness at the Seventh Battle of Ruusan. 
A single Sith Lord, Darth Bane, escaped to establish a new 
Sith order, while Supreme Chancellor Tarsus Valorum 
proclaimed the Ruusan Reformations, which rebuilt the 
Republic from the ground up.
The Republic's final millennium was largely peaceful, but the 
provisions of the Ruusan Reformations led to an increase in 
lawlessness in the Outer Rim Territories, which eventually 
found itself largely controlled by megacorporations or 
criminal cartels. This dissatisfaction was stoked into a 
Separatist movement by the Sith, which had spent a 
millennium in hiding. Orchestrating the Clone Wars, 
the Order of the Sith Lords managed to destroy the 
Jedi Order and restore their Empire under Darth Sidious. 
Sidious dissolved the Republic and replaced it with the 
short-lived Galactic Empire, and eventually dissolved the 
Republic's trappings completely. A legacy of Imperial rule 
was the opening and widespread settlement of the Deep Core, 
as well as the charting and exploration of much of the 
Unknown Regions. The Empire lasted for two decades 
of tyranny, but after the Galactic Civil War and the death 
of Darth Sidious at the hands of Anakin and Luke Skywalker, 
a New Republic was established from an alliance of free 
worlds. Despite this, the remnants of the Empire would 
continue to resist the new government for over a decade 
before finally signing a peace treaty.
The Yuuzhan Vong War was a watershed moment in galactic 
history, marking the first time that the galaxy had been invaded 
by an extra-galactic power, and the savagery of the war would 
influence galactic politics for over a century afterwards. Not 
long after the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War, an 
extra-galactic species known as the Yuuzhan Vong 
launched an invasion of the galaxy. The Yuuzhan Vong
War devastated much of the galaxy, including Coruscant, 
and cost the lives of some 365 trillion beings, though they 
were eventually defeated by a new Galactic Alliance of the 
Imperial Remnant, the remnants of the New Republic, and a 
host of the galaxy's lesser powers. Another outcome of the 
war was a normalisation of relations between the galaxy 
proper and the Chiss Ascendancy, the dominant power of 
the Unknown Regions. Within a few decades, stable 
hyperroutes and colonies had been established into 
the region and had removed much of its mystery.
Some of the Yuuzhan Vong were incorporated in the galactic 
community, but the post-Yuuzhan Vong War galaxy proved 
incredibly difficult to govern, resulting in a Second Galactic 
Civil War between the Galactic Alliance and a Confederation 
led by Corellia. Within a century, the Galactic Empire had been 
restored under the Fel dynasty, although this time without Sith 
backing. Ultimately, however, the Fel Empire was manipulated 
by the One Sith, led by Darth Krayt, to declare war upon the 
Galactic Alliance after the Sith exploited lingering hatred of 
the Yuuzhan Vong to to make it appear that they were planning 
to re-conquer the galaxy. The One Sith usurped the Imperial 
throne shortly afterwards, forming a new Sith empire, but the 
resulting war between the Sith and the Galactic Alliance 
Remnant and the Fel-loyalist Empire-in-exile resulted in the 
Sith's defeat. Thereafter, the Galactic Alliance became the 
dominant government in the galaxy once again.
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    =========================================== HISTORY OF THE STAR WARS UNIVERSE (Legends): (Written By SimoTheFinlandized - (c) 2021 CE) =========================================== IN THE BEGINNING... =========================================== Some thirteen billion years before the Battle Of Yavin, an immense cloud of gas and dust collapsed under its own gravity and coalesced to form a revolving disk, creating the galaxy. Over many more billions of years, the stars and planets began to form. By 5,000,000,000 BBY, life had begun to evolve in the galaxy, with some of the earliest examples of non-sentient life developing on the planet Goroth Prime. Around 2,000,000 BBY, many of the galaxy's most well-known species were evolving: the Wookiees began on Kashyyyk as a species of tree-climbers. The Oracle Of Pelgrin, quite possibly the oldest artifact in the galaxy, was believed to date from this period. By 200,000 BBY, the Zhell, ancient ancestors to the Humans, had developed an advanced stellar fusion-age civilization and were waging war against the near-human Taungs for control of their mutual homeworld of Notron, later known as Coruscant. ============================================== THE EARLIEST CIVLIZATIONS: ============================================== By 100,000 BBY, a mysteriously ancient yet extremely highly-advanced race known as the Celestials dominated the entire galaxy. Also known as the Architects, this spectacularly powerful Force-Sensitive race was believed to have been capable of manipulating and moving the very stars: surviving Celestial machinery like Centerpoint Station and the Cosmic Turbine could manipulate gravity on a titanic scale with repulsor pulses, tractor beams, and hyperspace wormholes. With this technology, the Celestials were believed to have been responsible for building the Corellian system, the Vultar system, and at least 15 other star systems, as well as the Hapes Cluster, the Kathol Rift, and the Maw black hole cluster. Pre-Republic specialists believed the Celestials to also be responsible for the hyperspace disturbance beyond the edge of the galaxy, possibly as a defense against outside interference. They were also believed to be responsible for the chain of hyperspace anomalies west of the Core that bisected the galaxy and prevented travel into the Unknown Regions. Speculation holds that the Celestials had crafted the hyperspace anomalies that bisected the galaxy in order to contain the Rakata's Infinite Empire. A number of other advanced space-faring races around this time became servants and clients of the Celestials. The insectile Killiks of Alderaan were exploited as laborers and were seeded across the galaxy, until around 30,000 BBY when they disappeared into the west of the galaxy and into the Unknown Regions, presumably relocated by the Celestials. The Kwa and Gree species made use of FTL-space-travel structures known as the Infinity Gates and Hypergates, respectively, to travel between planets and star-systems, and thus came into territorial conflict with each other. Other advanced species fled to escape the Celestials: the Sharu Civilization of the Rafa system located far in the galactic east had a brief period of expansion, spreading their iconic plastic pyramid cities as far into the Core as Aargau, but this may have attracted the attention of the Celestials and the Sharu thus buried their great pyramid-cities and sought refuge in primitivism in order to escape them. Likewise, the Columi of the planet Columus made surveys of both the Humans and the Duros in the Core Region and were unimpressed by what they found, but also fled back to their homeworld, perhaps to avoid retribution from the Celestials. ================================================= RISE OF THE RAKATAN INFINITE EMPIRE: ================================================= Around 35,000 BBY, the domain of the Celestials was usurped when the imperialist Dark-Force-sensitive Rakata slave race revolted. Stealing both very highly- advanced technology and the knowledge of utilizing the Force from the Kwa Civilization, they waged war against the many other servant races, and broke through the barrier surrounding the Unknown Regions into the galaxy proper and waged a war of complete extermination upon the Celestials. The eventual fate of the Celestials was unclear. They may have been trapped inside the galaxy by their barrier and destroyed by the Rakata slave-revolt, or they may have escaped through the barrier. By 30,000 BBY, the Celestials were nowhere to be found, and the Rakata's Infinite Empire had taken center stage. The newly-arisen advanced space-faring Rakata species fanned out from their homeworld of Lehon in the Tempered Wastes of the Unknown Regions, using FTL hyperdrives that channelled the power of the Force to guide them to worlds with strong Force signatures. The Infinite Empire occupied a considerable scattering of systems across the galaxy, but very vast tracts of territory between these holdings remained untouched, allowing smaller interstellar confederations to flourish. The Devaronians and the Gossam experimented with the tumble hyperdrive and scouted to explore the galaxy, and while worlds like Coruscant, Corellia and Duro were occupied by the Rakata, the native-species of the Humans, Duros, Selonians and Drall were able to study the principles of the Rakatan FTL force-hyperdrive. The Rakata proved to be exceedingly cruel masters, consigning entire subject populations to bitter slavery. After nearly five thousand years of dominance, the Rakata-ruled Infinite Empire collapsed after a devastating plague swept through the Empire that stripped the Rakata of their ability to use the Force. A massive colonial slave revolt finished off the empire by 25,200 BBY. ============================================= RISE OF THE GALACTIC REPUBLIC: ============================================= The decline of the Infinite Empire coincided with the reverse-engineering and perfection of Rakata hyperdrive technology by the other species of the galaxy. Developing technological replacements to its Force-based components, various advanced space-faring species struck out from their homeworlds, first with slower-than-light sleeper-ship colonies, followed by the development of the rather unpredictable hyperspace cannon. Through this re-use of Rakatan castoffs, a number of civilizations asserted themselves: the Humans and Duros dominated the Galactic Core, while the cetacean Herglics built up their own trade empire to the south. On the Rim, Human sleeper-ship colonies formed the Tionese civilization, which was united into a single powerful empire by a Tionese warlord named Xim The Despot, before coming into conflict with the empire of the kleptocratic mafia-style slug-like Hutts. This period coincided with the beginning of the Jedi Order on the planet Tython with its studies of the Force, as well as the religious rivalry between understandings of the light and dark sides of the Force. Conflict between the Jedi and the Dark Jedi would assert itself several times throughout galactic history, a cycle that would continue beyond the Yuuzhan-Vong War. In 25,000 BBY, in the aftermath of the Unification Wars, the various highly-advanced space-faring planetary-states of the Core assembled on the city-planet of Coruscant and signed the Galactic Constitution, establishing a civilization under a common law, language and currency, proclaiming the Galactic Republic. The Republic united the largely-Human Core Worlds, and the Core-World Founders included prominent political players like Coruscant / Alsakan / Corellia / Duro / Kuat / Alderaan, powerful military-strongholds like the Azure Imperium based on Axum / Anaxes / Esseles / Rendili, emerging commercial hubs like Tepasi / Brentaal IV / Humbarine, and worlds important to the medical, diplomatic and philosophical arts, like Chandrila / Caamas / Rhinnal / Shawken. ================================================= THE EXPANSIONIST ERA: ================================================= The Expansionist Era coincided with the foundation of the Galactic Republic and saw the beginnings of the official charting and settlement of much of the galaxy's eastern spiral. Scouts pushing east from Coruscant moved up two trade routes, the Perlemian Trade Route and the Corellian Run, which formed the boundaries of a vast wedge of space known as "the Slice". At the end of the Corellian Run lay Kalarba, a trade hub maintained by the merchants of Paqwepori, while the Perlemian led to the trade worlds of Tirahnn, Nouane, and Roche. No similar corridors were found to the galactic west, which resulted in much of that quadrant of the galaxy remaining unexplored and mysterious, becoming known as the Unknown Regions. This expansion saw the Galactic Republic come into conflict with the advanced space-faring Human civilizations of the Tion Cluster. After its victory in 24,000 BBY, the Galactic Republic swelled with more territory than it could initially govern as many systems clamored for protection against the depredations of the Hutt Domains. ================================================== THE GREAT MANIFEST AND INDECTA ERAS: ================================================== The Great Manifest Period began in 20,000 BBY with the widespread settling of the eastern Slice, with the dense web of star-systems at its tip becoming known as the Arrowhead. This region became heavily-dominated by Coruscant while Corellia dominated settlement around the Corellian Run. Rivalry between Coruscant and Alsakan over policy on the Perlemian Trade Route sparked the First Alsakan Conflict in 17,000 BBY, the start of the Indecta Era, and though peace would be brokered between the two, the Alsakan Conflicts would continue in an abbreviated form for some 14,000 years. The first five Alsakan Conflicts also discouraged settlement along the Perlemian, pushing colonists to the Corellian Hegemony in the Trailing Sectors along the Corellian Run and the growing Corellian Trade Spine. ================================================== THE KYMOODON ERA: ================================================== The Kymoodon Era, opening in 15,000 BBY, ushered another colonization boom on par with the Great Manifest Period. Improvements in the hyperdrive allowed many odd pockets of colonization to spring up in the unexplored northern and southern quadrants, and the Herglic Trade Empire joined the Republic, beginning a surge in development around the Hidakai Pool, which would become the Rimma Trade Route. However, the era stored up the seeds for future conflict, as the Republic's borders increasingly abutted those of Hutt Space, leaving isolated colonies open to raids by Hutt slavers. ================================================= THE PIUS DEA ERA: ================================================= Widespread resentment of the Hutt Empire on the Rim was tapped by a statesman named Contispex I and the humanocentric Pius-Dea religious sect to begin a series of Crusades against the Hutts in 12,000 BBY. The millennia-long Pius Dea Era would see many non-Human species conquered, persecuted, or exterminated until the Contispex political-dynasty was overthrown by the Jedi Order, and would foment extreme resentment among the species of the Rim. The subsequent Ductavis Era and Rianitus Period from 11,000-8000 BBY would be periods of retrenchment and rebuilding following the Crusades. ==================================================== THE RISE OF THE SITH ORDER: ==================================================== The Subterra Period of 8000-7000 BBY saw new mapping of the galactic southern quadrant, with colonies such as Malastare serving as anchors for the tangles of praediums that linked the region. Scouts also penetrated the Rishi Maze around this time. However, the lack of a super-hyperroute into the southern quadrant and the new colonies' general inaccessibility promoted lawlessness in the Rim and limited Coruscant's authority, which was believed to have contributed to the Second Great Schism of the Jedi Order in 7003 BBY, beginning a galaxy-wide uprising of Dark Jedi known as the Hundred-Year Darkness. In the war's aftermath, the defeated Dark Jedi were exiled beyond the Rim into the unexplored space north of the Perlemian. There, the Exiles settled the worlds of Korriban and Ziost within the Stygian Caldera, where they dominated the native Sith and established an empire. ==================================================== WAR WITH THE SITH-ORDER AND MANDALORIANS: ==================================================== During the Manderon Period, the Corellian Trade Spine and the Rimma Trade Route were established in 5500 BBY after the Herglics, Givin and Corellians linked together hundreds of pre-existing praediums, improving access to the southern quadrant. In 5000 BBY, the Sith Empire was rediscovered by the Republic, beginning the Great Hyperspace War when the Sith Lord Naga Sadow attempted to conquer the Republic. The Sith were defeated and once again driven into exile, but it was the beginning of a threat that would trouble the Republic for the remainder of its existence. A thousand years later in 4000 BBY, Sith teachings discovered on Korriban and Onderon enticed the Jedi Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma to the dark side, beginning the Great Sith War. The Sith's alliance with the Mandalorians, a group of warrior-nomads descended from the Taungs, in that war would prove to be the genesis of another threat to the Republic with the Mandalorian Wars. The Republic endured nearly fifty years of almost continuous fighting known as the Old Sith Wars as a result of Exar Kun until the Sith Empire was destroyed in 3950 BBY by the redeemed Sith Lord Revan. By 3700 BBY, the galaxy had been charted and settled as far as Farana in the north and Malastare in the south, but much of the northern and southern quadrants beyond the trade routes remained unsettled. At that time, however, the Brentaal-born explorer Freia Kallea extended the ancient Brentaal–Denon Route and linked several pre-exisiting praediums. By 3693 BBY, she had expanded the trade routes south of Denon as far as Imynusoph, mapping the full length of the Hydian Way, the only super-hyperroute to span the length of the galaxy. The ease with which vessels could now reach the northern and southern quadrants greatly expanded the Republic's footprint into the New Territories and the Western Reaches and opened up countless new sources of minerals, crystals and gases. From 3681-3642 BBY, however, the Republic endured decades of war and tension with a resurgent Sith Empire formed by exiles from the Great Hyperspace War, led by the Sith Emperor Vitiate. A second Galactic War broke out between the two in 3642 BBY, and chaos reigned until the Sith Emperor's redoubt of the Eternal Empire was defeated. ================================================== THE DRAGGULCH PERIOD: ================================================== In the wars' aftermath, the galaxy enjoyed several centuries of relative prosperity, which ended in 2000 BBY with the dawn of the Draggulch Period and the start of the New Sith Wars when the Jedi Master Phanius proclaimed himself Darth Ruin. In the ensuing millennium of fighting between the Republic and the New Sith, the Republic almost collapsed, culminating in the Republic Dark Age in the final century, when the Republic's authority effectively ceased to exist beyond the major trade routes and the HoloNet communications network ceased to function. The New Sith Wars finally ended when the Army of Light led by the Jedi Lord Hoth defeated Skere Kaan's Brotherhood of Darkness at the Seventh Battle of Ruusan. A single Sith Lord, Darth Bane, escaped to establish a new Sith order, while Supreme Chancellor Tarsus Valorum proclaimed the Ruusan Reformations, which rebuilt the Republic from the ground up. ================================================= THE GREAT PEACE AND THE AGE OF CALAMITY: ================================================= The Republic's final millennium was largely peaceful, but the provisions of the Ruusan Reformations led to an increase in lawlessness in the Outer Rim Territories, which eventually found itself largely controlled by megacorporations or criminal cartels. This dissatisfaction was stoked into a Separatist movement by the Sith, which had spent a millennium in hiding. Orchestrating the Clone Wars, the Order of the Sith Lords managed to destroy the Jedi Order and restore their Empire under Darth Sidious. Sidious dissolved the Republic and replaced it with the short-lived Galactic Empire, and eventually dissolved the Republic's trappings completely. A legacy of Imperial rule was the opening and widespread settlement of the Deep Core, as well as the charting and exploration of much of the Unknown Regions. The Empire lasted for two decades of tyranny, but after the Galactic Civil War and the death of Darth Sidious at the hands of Anakin and Luke Skywalker, a New Republic was established from an alliance of free worlds. Despite this, the remnants of the Empire would continue to resist the new government for over a decade before finally signing a peace treaty. ================================================== THE YUUZHAN-VONG WARS: ================================================== The Yuuzhan Vong War was a watershed moment in galactic history, marking the first time that the galaxy had been invaded by an extra-galactic power, and the savagery of the war would influence galactic politics for over a century afterwards. Not long after the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War, an extra-galactic species known as the Yuuzhan Vong launched an invasion of the galaxy. The Yuuzhan Vong War devastated much of the galaxy, including Coruscant, and cost the lives of some 365 trillion beings, though they were eventually defeated by a new Galactic Alliance of the Imperial Remnant, the remnants of the New Republic, and a host of the galaxy's lesser powers. Another outcome of the war was a normalisation of relations between the galaxy proper and the Chiss Ascendancy, the dominant power of the Unknown Regions. Within a few decades, stable hyperroutes and colonies had been established into the region and had removed much of its mystery. ===================================================== THE LEGACY ERA: ===================================================== Some of the Yuuzhan Vong were incorporated in the galactic community, but the post-Yuuzhan Vong War galaxy proved incredibly difficult to govern, resulting in a Second Galactic Civil War between the Galactic Alliance and a Confederation led by Corellia. Within a century, the Galactic Empire had been restored under the Fel dynasty, although this time without Sith backing. Ultimately, however, the Fel Empire was manipulated by the One Sith, led by Darth Krayt, to declare war upon the Galactic Alliance after the Sith exploited lingering hatred of the Yuuzhan Vong to to make it appear that they were planning to re-conquer the galaxy. The One Sith usurped the Imperial throne shortly afterwards, forming a new Sith empire, but the resulting war between the Sith and the Galactic Alliance Remnant and the Fel-loyalist Empire-in-exile resulted in the Sith's defeat. Thereafter, the Galactic Alliance became the dominant government in the galaxy once again. ======================================================